Season One || Crushing Blow: 57th Expedition Beyond the Walls

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'I'm going to have fun ripping you to shreds!'

"When the Colossal Titan vanished, whoever was inside had been wearing Maneuvering Gear so that they could escape in the in the steam. Don't you think the same possibility applies here?" Erwin continued riding on.

"Based on what we saw when Eren emerged from the Titan, we concluded it would be impossible. His equipment was destroyed, and his uniform was gone. Above all, Eren was so weak, he couldn't even stand unassisted." Hanji informed him. Remembering when Eren first transformed into a Titan.

"The Female Titan was able to attract other Titans with it's cry. We failed to predict this, and the operation failed. If Titan abilities vary depending on skill, it was a mistake to use Eren. If we're to out smart our enemy, we'll need to think outside the box."



"Eren, don't stop!" You grabbed the back of his collar and pulled him. "Onward!" You chucked him in the air.

"But-!" He caught sight of the mysterious soldier. "Who's there?!"

"Protect Eren!" You instructed.

"Damn it, what do we do?" Oluo peered back at the mysterious soldier. "Captain [Name], where should we go?"

"There isn't time to reach the horses! Head for Headquarters, as fast as you can!" You became serious. Your voice became harsh.

"Is it from the Female Titan? Or is there more than one?"

"Damn you..." Petra cursed under her breath. "How dare you?! Come at me! I'll defeat you, even if it kills me!" Petra shrieked angrily.

'Damn it! Didn't Levi and Erwin capture the Female Titan?' You mentally sreamed. All eyes were on the mysterious soldier. Unfortunately for your squad, they disappeared in a near by tree.

"If the enemy has some way to retain it's strength, it may be able to transform once more." Erwin's sky blue eyes hardened.

A thunder broke through the forest with a loud boom.

"I knew it... It's coming!" Eld exclaimed. "The Female Titan!"

The mysterious soldier reappered out of the trees as The Female Titan, steam evaporating from the Titan. She charged towards your squad. She was practically breathing down your necks, she was that close.

"Damn you! How dare you! This time, I will defeat it!" Eren growled, bringing his hand to his mouth, ready to bite it and transform into in his Titan.

Eld looked back over his shoulder. "No! The four us will kill the Female Titan. You continued to head straight for Headquarters at top speed."

"Here's what I have gleaned from this battle. If we only focus on making the best moves, we will never get the better of our opponent. When necessary, we must be willing to take big risk, and be prepared to lose everything." Erwin continued explaining.

"I'll fight, too!" Eren declared.

"No! This is the best move. Your power is too risky!" Eld shouted.

"What? Do you doubt us?!" Oluo appered beside him.

"Do you find it thay hard to trust us?" Petra asked, hurt in her eyes.

"Unless we change how we fight, humanity cannot win!" Erwin's jaw clenched.

Eren put his hand down and grappled faster. "I belive my squad will be victorious. Good luck!"

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