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      I try to settle, but my spine continues to shake from the cold and the anxiety that have terrorized me today. The fears of Locanas coming after me still plague my thoughts. Every sound, every unexpected movement has me jumping.

     But... I'm a bit distracted from all the horror.

     An enormous, gorgeous alien has taken me to his home. Atleast, I assume it's his home.

      And when I say he's enormous, I mean he is huge. He's the biggest Rytarian I've seen. He's gotta be at least 7'5" or something. And he's a striking contrast to what I'm used to. He was so tender, so calm. I felt safe when he touched me, like nothing bad could ever happen again. It's ridiculous.

     He snatched me right out of the woods. He found me with a bow slung over his wide shoulders and an angry expression painted on his face. He looked like an avenging angel, or a Greek god sent to rescue me.

     I watch everything carefully now. This cabin was built for him, I'm sure of it. Tall ceilings and giant furniture to match, I feel like a child sitting on his gargantuan couch.

      Peeking through the doorway, I spy on him. He moves around the kitchen carefully, not making much noise as the smell of food wafts through the air.

     I pull the blanket he draped over me closer as I shiver, daring a glance out the window. The glass is foggy with rain. There are so many shadows and dark spaces where Locanas could be hiding. Growing uneasy, I lean away from the window and focus my attentions elsewhere.

     Audomatically I stand, testing my uneasy legs and hurt ankle. I'm feeling much better already. The strength is returning. Hobbling past the roaring fireplace with my busted ankle slowing me down, I make my way into the kitchen. The room is spacious but cozy, continuing the log cabin theme that I've noticed. Everything is made of wood.

     I watch the alien man cautiously. He stands over a stove, mixing something in a big black pot. I almost choke when I realize that he's completely shirtless.

     His massive back is tan, and dotted in countless scars and angry marks that cover maps of enormous muscle.

      Glancing over, I see that he discarded his shirt on the counter tops.

     I also realize that the wooden kitchen counter is so high it sits at my armpits. Again, clearly built for a massively tall person, which is not me. I cap out at 5'6". Not exactly anything to brag about, especially around this dude.

     The Rytarian male still hasn't spotted me, so I clear my throat.

      He turns, eyeing me with furrowed brows. It gives me a chance to get a better look at him, I hadn't noticed him much earlier when I was trembling in his arms.

     His dark hair is unkempt, but in an overtly sexy way. There are also hairs all along his jaw, a sprinkling of long stubble that makes him appear rugged.

     His eyes are mismatched. One is a warm, electric brown, and the other a calming dark blue. They both glow like stars.

     And then there's his scars that continue on his face. They don't detract from his appearance in any way. They don't stand out, you can't even see them unless you look for them. They're faint lines splattered across his skin that hint at stories of his past.

     He has a strong nose, and angular cheekbones, and an exquisite jawline.

     And then there's his 8 pack. The dude is shredded.

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