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My whole body trembles, fear and confusion blistering inside of me. I sniffle. I sob. My eyes leak furiously. I can't keep the emotions in to save my life.

I tried to follow after him, tried to break free from the guards holding me as Barre and Salsh walked away from me.

He left me here. He didn't even look back as I called his name.

I'm in hysterics. I can't breathe as they usher me into the palace, trying to hush me as the sobs become too much. I put my head in my hands, trying to conceal the sound of my cries. I just want Barre. I don't want to be here.

"Res ta Fray lesa relinka cru sablas." One of guards says loudly, and I attempt push them away as they crowd me.

They're so tall and broad and overwhelming. I just want Barre and his comfort and warmth. They're touching me, trying to console me.

"He... he... he left me. Why would he leave me?" I beg, gasping for air as I try to talk through my tears. They pull me, practically dragging me through the hallways.

"Please. You can't... he's coming back. He has to come back for me." I insist, wiping my tears as I fight off the male Rytarians trying to pull me deeper into the palace. I shove at their stupid shoulders, their eyes glowing down at me.

I glare up at them as I hiccup, tears constantly streaming down my face. I try to break free, wanting the taste of fresh air once again. I want to be with Barre. There's no one else as safe, as warm. I claw at the guards, trying to get them away from me so I can make a break for it.

"Barre!" I yell, but no one lets me out of the circle of people. I sob, pushing a at their arms and chests and getting nowhere. "Please."

"Relinkas! Shebassa yeltra me." One says, they all look panicked through my blurry tears.

The unbearable pain in my heart makes me stagger. I fall to the ground, my knees buckling underneath me.

No one stops me from falling, they let it happen.

"Be sey, Fray" I recognize my friend's mate's name, and I wonder if they're going to get him.

"I don't want Fray! I want Barre!" I yell, putting my face in my hands.

No one can help me, but they start to pick me up by the elbows. I scream and flail as someone effortlessly carries me away from the floor. I try to curl up in a ball, but it doesn't do anything to hinder the male holding me.

I look at the ceiling, sorrow coursing through me. I just want to be let go, I want to go back to my mate. I'm convinced that we're meant to be together. I won't let him go.

But what if he doesn't want me? Just like everyone else?

The thought has my lungs constricting like a vise is being tied around my rib cage.

He left. He left me here. There has to be a reason. Why would he just abandon me here after everything he's done for me? It doesn't add up. I don't understand. I just want him back.

I start to fight again, kicking out my legs as hard as I can. The hands on me remain firm, but as I scream a sudden shift in motion occurs. Yells ensue as the sound of a punch being landed hits my ears. Someone grabs me roughly as another Rytarian falls to the ground.

I wipe my tears away to see who is holding me like an infant, but the hands are a little too rough. A familiar sense of dread comes over me when the smell hits me. I know that smell. I know this male.

Locanas. He has me, and he's running. The speed and motion make me sick.

The fight inside leaves me momentarily as fear takes over, I feel completely boneless as a sob breaks free of me. I have to fight. I can't let him terrify me again.

I kick and scream, determined to fight until the end, if that's what this is. Instead of being heard, a heavy hand clamps over my mouth to keep me quiet. I chomp down on his palm, biting into his flesh. He yells out in surprised pain, but moves his hand under my face to clamp my jaw shut.

Frustration and desperation build, and I buck and flail, trying anything to be freed from this monster. Tears blind me as I realize there's nothing I can do.

I just have to pray that Barre will come back.

       I just have to pray that Barre will come back

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3 chapters today :) read on!

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