XVI. Voice.

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Yoongi opened his eyes and yawned. He frowned when he noticed that the sun was already starting to come through the curtains of his room. Surprisingly, he slept pretty well the night before. He didn't have a full night of rest. Of course, he left his studio late in the night. He stayed up late to work on a song. As usual. He stayed focused on this task for the entire evening. He only took a rest when he felt his eyes itching and starting to close. He knew he could work more the day before. So, he chose to try to relax before going to bed. He ate, he showered and changed clothes. Then, he decided to chill on his bed, playing on his phone. He wasn't really addicted to technology. He could go days without going on social medias. Because, yes, he had social medias. Taehyung forced him into it. The younger thought it would be so cool to have his photographer best friend on Instagram. It was a great place to share his shots. Still, Yoongi wasn't comfortable about it. He rarely posted. He forgot his password twice already. And he even deleted the app once. But, on boring nights, it happened that he spent some time looking at pretty pictures on Instagram, getting inspired by some place or poses for his future photoshoots. And that was he decided to do when he heard his phone ringing. When Jungkook finally called him.

He would be lying if he said that he didn't wait for Jungkooks call all day. He wished the young and lovely waiter would call him. For anything. As the hours were passing, Yoongi started to lose hope. It was fine. That was what he tried to tell himself. Jungkook must be busy. He must be working at the coffee shop. His day must have been busy. He didn't have time to call Yoongi and it was fine. Perfectly fine. To be honest, he didn't even know what to say if Jungkook call him. He had to be as nice as he could. Well, with Jungkook, he was always the nicest he ever been. He wasn't forcing himself. He just had to be nice with the young waiter. Because Jungkook's eyes were so cute and full of innocence. This young man was craving for soft care. And Yoongi was so ready to give him what he needed. That was why he waited patiently for Jungkook to be ready to call. Making the younger uncomfortable was t last desire. So he waited.

As he was scrolling on his phone, absentmindedly, he suddenly received a call. From an unknown number. Yoongi never answered to unknown numbers. He was too anxious to start a conversation with a possible stranger. But this time, he didn't decline the call. Because he knew it was Jungkook. He was the only who could call him this late at night, after a long week end at the coffee shop. They chatted. Jungkook was stuttering, he sounded so nervous, he was searching the right words. That made Yoongis heart clench. He wanted to make the young and lovely waiter comfortable. Of course, it was adorable to see him shy. That was freaking cute. But Yoongi was sure Jungkook would still be cute if he wasn't this nervous and anxious. He promised himself at that time, to do anything to sooth his insecurities. He felt a pain in his chest when he heard Jungkook laboured breath on the other side of the call. It was the most painful sound Yoongi ever heard in his life. His protective side rose up instantly. He spoke with a soft voice, trying his best to make Jungkook breath. Nothing else mattered. It could have took minutes or hours. Yoongi didnt care. He only wished for Jungkook to calm down. The younger was obviously having a panic attack, caused by anxiety. Yoongi knew the signs, he had the same so many times before. he wanted to be with Jungkook right now. He hoped the young waiter wasn't alone during this type of crisis. He wanted to hug him tight and tell him that he would be fine. He wanted to be his shield against the world, to be his protector against his own insecurities. His low voice and caring words seemed to work, because Jungkook calmed down. Yoongi promised himself to be physically there for Jungkook's panic attack one day, just to hold him close to his heart and caress his hair.

After this little incident, which wasn't an inconvenience for Yoongi, Jungkook was still shy. But he was able to finally ask Yoongi to help him for his piano assignment. Of course,  Yoongi agreed right away. That was what he waited for the entire day. That was the reason why he gave the cute waiter his phone number. Yoongi wasn't really comfortable about all the going on date thing. He didn't go to dates for a long time ago. And he didnt even remember doing anything for his past dates. It was just lame and awkward. He was trying to please who ever he was with, but he hated dates. The last one was three years ago. So, if he was only going on a date with Jungkook, he would be totally afraid and stressed right now. But it wasn't really a date. It was a piano session. He would help Jungkook with the piano. Everything would be fine. His first best friend would be there to protect him and support him. It would be perfectly fine.

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