V. Promise.

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Another week passed quickly for Jungkook. He didn't have a lot of time for himself these past few days. He was drowned between all his classes, his readings for his photography projects and his exams coming soon. Fortunately, he managed to have some time to work out every day. He could relax a bit, for an hour every day. That was something he truly needed. Not only to build his body. Of course, he loved having well made muscles. He worked for years to have this body. He was proud of it. He wasn't the type to show off a lot as he was shy. He would hide it under wide clothes. He didn't like to attract attention. Still, he liked his body. Only his close friends really knew what he was hiding under his black sweaters. Jimin praised him so much the first time he saw his torso. Hoseok always told him how jealous he was. His love for working out came thanks to his cousin. Like a lot of things in his life, he had been inspired by Seokjin. The older always worked out. He had a toned body. Kook admired that a lot. Even in long and tiring day, Jin would never skip his daily workout. So, when he was a teen, Jungkook started doing the same thing. Slowly, his muscles started to grow. He felt better in his body. He felt a bit more confident, he felt stronger.

It was hard at first. Keeping a constant workout routine wasn't easy. Especially after his college days. But he liked it too much. He never wanted to stop. And on some days, he would go running with his college friends. Mingyu was working out a lot. They would hit the gym together during holidays. And they would go running at least once a month. Working out was the best way to relieve stress. Jungkook didn't like to admit it, but he had an anxious nature. He could be overwhelmed easily under pressure, he could panic during stressful situation. He broke down so many time in the high school toilets when he was younger. He didn't have a lot of friends. School was hard. Life was lonely. The only person he was close too weren't there with him. Seokjin and Hoseok were older. They left high school long before him. Under all the pressure of graduating, he almost drowned. He could only breath thanks to his boxing and dancing classes. Having a great body thanks to it was a bonus. Useful yet pleasurable. Working out helped him. Just like photography and music did.

It was great to have his own ways of relaxing. As he grew up in an empty house, he learned quickly how to take care of himself. And as his anxiety was getting stronger when he was a teen, he found ways to let go of all his worries. He spent so many hours playing guitar that his fingers were hurting. He went around all the city to photograph everything that he could find pretty. People, cars, trees, birds. Anything that could distract his mind. On very hard days, when he couldn't leave his room, when he didn't want to go out, he would try and write everything down on paper. It was hard to put words on his feelings. At the same time, it was cathartic. The negativity was slowly leaving his body. As if all the darkness drowning his soul was coming out through the ink on the paper. Even now that his hard days were behind him, he never stopped these comforting activities. Would he ever stop ? Would he ever stop needed it? He didn't know. He only knew that he wouldn't have come this far without his comfort activities. And that was what motivated him to study art in university.

As his parents didn't really care about his life career and projects, he was free to choose anything. And he didn't hesitate. Music and photography. It seemed perfect at that time. He wanted to know more about his passions, about his first friends which never left him. Now, it was an even more perfect choice. After almost four years at university, Kook was getting closer to his graduation. He was proud of this. It hadn't been easy. He spent so many hours in the library, reading books, working on assignments, doubting himself and exhausting his brain. But it was worth it. Of course, he would be nostalgic about his college years. For the first time in his life, he truly studied what he liked. He learned more about what made his heart beat. He even found friends who shared his passions. He felt free and almost fully bloomed. It took time and energy.

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