I. Unreachable

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Saturday morning.

Jungkook's eyes opened quickly at the sound of his alarm. He sighed loudly and hid his face from the sunlight, under the cover. The young man had to leave his bed. He knew it. As every other morning, he had to get up and prepare himself for the day. He yawned before sitting up. Everything was quiet around him. He sighed a second time. He was alone once again. He didn't even remember when was the last time he didn't wake up alone in this big house. The Jeon's family home, as his mom loved to say. It was a pretty ironical way to call it. Because, this place was anything but a charming and warm home. It wasn't full of happy memories. It wasn't filled with laugh and hugs. It was only quiet. Silence was ruling the place. Most of the time, Jungkook was alone in this house. His parents had more important things to do than raising him when he was a kid. He had many nannies throughout the years. He had housemaids who took care of cooking him delicious meals and cleaning his luxurious bedroom. He wasn't totally alone. He only missed his parents. They were busy. They were working. They were out of the country. They always sent him texts or called him to know if he was fine. With years, the young man received less and less calls. And now that he was twenty-two, he was lucky if they called him once in a week. Their jobs were taking all their time and he knew it. Jungkook never complained. How could he complain when his parents were working hard for their family's well-being? When they always provided him everything material he needed? He never had to ask for anything. He always had the last trendy smartphone or laptop. He could take as many art classes and music classes he wanted. He could go to any prestigious and expensive school he would like. He couldn't complain. It was unfair to be bitter about his family's situation. About the lack of human warmth and love. Jungkook shook his head. No, he knew he was loved. His parents loved him, of course. They weren't monsters. They only had some priorities. And Jungkook wasn't one of them.

But it was fine. He never had to be worried about money, or food, or for a place to live. He always had this house. Full of things. But empty of lives. He dreamt so many times of having a cosy and lovely place to share with his family. When he was a kid, he pictured himself with his parents, in a nice tiny house near the beach. With a dog and the sound of the waves filling his ears. Somewhere not expensive. Somewhere his parents didn't have to work this much. He only wanted to have a family. And a real home.

He never really understood what having a home meant. He only had a house. Huge and cold. According to his cousin Seokjin, a home was something warm, comfortable, magical. It was a place where you felt protected and safe. Jungkook believed him. Seokjin never lied to him. Still, it was hard for him to picture this kind of place in real life. It had always been a part of his personal fantasy. Something he would imagine at night, surrounded by darkness and silence. With time, he just accepted that he would never find his home. And he was fine with this. Because even if he was alone in this house. He wasn't totally alone outside.

He just needed to meet the outside world to remember he had many people around him. Well, maybe not many, but few important and valuable people. People who loved him and protected him. His friends. Since his youngest age, he was separating friends and family. Family meant loneliness. Friends meant happiness. That distinction was easy and clear in Jungkook's mind. Only one person could reunite both. Seokjin.

His cousin Seokjin was friend and family. He was older than Jungkook by five years. Still, they were extremely close. The older man was always there for him. He never made him feel lonely or unwanted. Jin was the definition of love and care to Jungkook. He was nice and funny. He was patient and supportive. He was the one who came picking him up from school when they were kids. He was the one who accompanied him to his first art class. He was the one who came to all his recitals. He was his cousin, his brother and one of his best friends. He admired Seokjin so much. He was so hard working. He had one dream and he worked hard to achieve it. He never complained. And he never forgot to always take care of Jungkook. Despite his busy schedules, despite his many classes when he was at college, despite his multiple part time jobs. Seokjin had been there for him. Always. Jin was amazing. He even opened his own coffee shop last year. The Epiphany Coffee. Where he hired Kook on the week ends and the holidays. That way the young man could earn some money, while being with his favourite cousin.

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