the truth - eijirou kirishima (villain brother pt.2)

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A few days had passed since that day, it was close to being a week and Kirishima still hasn't spoken to you. You were a mess and really needed someones emotional support yet the person who you trusted the most was mad at you. Maybe it was your own fault though, maybe you should've told him before so this wouldn't have happened.

Every time you tried to talk to him this week, he just avoided you or pretended like he didn't hear you as he continued speaking to his friends and it didn't help you at all, it really made you think you lost him. He could've at least said something right?

Kirishima on the other hand, was embarrassed from the moment he stormed off like that. Why did he even do that when it wasn't about him? Why did he make such a big deal out of it when he knew you meant no harm?

It wasn't something about him to begin with so why did he act that way? Kirishima was disappointed in himself and way too embarrassed to face you again. He wanted to walk back to you after storming off like that but he knew it didn't work like that and that it wouldn't fix all the problems.

He noticed how bad you were doing, it hurt him so much and he felt so bad yet he couldn't bring himself to speak to you after he did something so stupid. He felt like he didn't deserve your forgiveness. That's why he avoided and ignored you like that, not noticing it only hurt you more.

A few more days went by like that and Kirishima didn't see you show up in class. He couldn't help but to get worried so he lied about not feeling good and sneaked away to your dorms. He knocked on your door carefully, only to be met with crying.

"C Come in-" You sobbed, your voice cracking as you said that and his heart breaking when he heard that, knowing that he was the reason why you felt like this. He opened your door slowly, walking in, looking down at the ground, being too scared to face you right now.

"Kiri?" You asked, wiping your tears away to get a better view and blinking a few times. "Hi." He answered quietly, finally looking up at you, not expecting to be tackled in a hug as you held him tightly, burying your face into his chest, leaving him confused.

"I'm so sorry-" You started, looking up at him with teary eyes. The guilt had been eating you alive and him acting that way made you think you did something wrong and Kirishima just shook his head, making you look down, thinking that you messed up once more.

"Y/N You shouldn't be apologizing, I'm the one in the wrong here." He started. "But I should've to-" You were about to say, only being cut off by a gentle peck on the lips. Kirishima gently cupped your face, wiping your tears away with his big thumbs and placing a soft kiss soon your forehead.

"You shouldn't have told me anything- I know you would've told me when you were ready and I'm so sorry that I snapped at you like that." He continued, taking a deep breathe and feeling terrible that he made you think these things.

"I shouldn't have waited so long with talking to you, I just felt embarrassed and that wasn't too manly of me." He admitted, rubbing your back slowly and helping you calm down a bit. There was a chance you might hate him right now but did it really matter if he could comfort you like this one last time?

"You didn't do anything wrong y/n." He told you and you looked into his eyes. "Really?" You asked hopefully, needing to hear those words again for your confirmation so the guilt could stop eating you alive.

"Yes really Y/N, I'm the one in the wrong here, you haven't done anything wrong and I'm terribly sorry for acting the way I did. I know sorry won't fix everything but at least you gave me a chance to explain myself, thank you." He finished, not expecting you to forgive him in any way.

All you did was hug him tightly, nuzzling your face in his neck and closing your eyes, mumbling a quiet "thank god" as he hugged you back. Kirishima was confused and in shock that you weren't even mad but he was gonna enjoy it as long as he could.

"I love you." You mumbled, falling asleep not much after, you barely got any sleep last night to begin with, you couldn't sleep anymore, not when you guys had an argument like this.

Kirishima carefully got up, lifting you to the bed and laying down next to you, knowing that you'd tell him the truth whenever you were ready as he wrapped his arms around you protectively.

Having him back made it better though, even if it was for the day, it didn't matter, he was here now and you felt at peace for a second, all of the drama was for whenever you would wake up again.

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