painted rocks - izuku midoriya

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"Izuku look!" You smiled, running over to your best friend excitedly. "Look at my rock!" You continued, sitting down next to him. "Woah- That's so cool! Look at mine!" The little boy smiled as he grabbed his, showing them off.

"Izuku, that's so cool!" You giggled, clapping in your hands excitedly, not noticing the angry boy getting closer."Tsk, what's that ugly thing?" Bakugou said, grabbing the rock from Izuku aggressively.

"N-Nothhing Kacchan!" Izuku mumbled quickly, looking down as you pouted a bit. "That's what I thought stupid Deku." Bakugou grinned and you crossed your arms, making your way over to him and pushing him slightly.

"Izuku is not stupid! You are for thinking that you're special for having a quirk before us!" You snapped, sticking your tongue out, grabbing the rock back from him and walking back to Izuku.

"You idiot-" Bakugou yelled, being close to using his quirk on you. "Enough! Katsuki calm down or you'll have to clean up the classroom!" Your elementary teacher spoke and Bakugou froze in his movements, bowing respectfully as he apologized over and over.

"Look Izuku- I fixed it!" You smiled, handing Deku's rock to him. The pain got smudged a bit when Bakugou grabbed it from him but you being the good friend you are, fixed it for him. Izuku smiled a bit and grabbed it carefully, placing it down so it wouldn't get smudged again while a slight blush crept on his face.

"You can have it-" He spoke softly. "Wait really?" You asked excitedly and the boy nodded, shoving the rock your way carefully. "You know what I saw on the tv?" You smiled, grabbing your painted rock and placing it in front of him.

"I heard penguins give rocks to each other as a sign of love!" You explained. "L-Love?" Deku asked and you nodded quickly. "Well we're besties! Let's promise each other we'll get married when we're older with these rocks!" You suggested and Deku smiled bigly, nodding a bit and grabbing the rock carefully.

"I promise!" He smiled and you pulled him in a hug, the two of you laughing as you fell down. The two of you had been like this since you started elementary school so it wasn't new for the teacher. All you knew was that you were happy to have a friend like him.


Years later, the two of you somehow managed to get into UA, even when you thought Izuku didn't have a quirk. You were sure of it until the entrance exams happened and you saw your childhood friend with some kind of quirk.

"Izuku!" You yelled, running towards him as he fell down, noticing how badly he got hurt. "Izuku what did you do? Are you okay?" You asked, placing his head on your lap as you did the basic check ups.

"I am, what about the girl?" He answered with a smile, looking at you as you held his face. "Izuku.." You paused, looking over at the girl and noticing she was okay. "She's okay but look at you-" You sighed, waiting for the healing lady to show up.

"She looked like she was in danger." He mumbled. "You hurt yourself this much by your quirk Izuku, please be careful." You told him and he nodded, smiling at you as the recovery girl showed up.

You were confused about his random quirk but decided to let it be for now, his health was more important. Your question got answered quickly though, it was Izuku telling you before you could even ask.

"Well so my quirk is one for all and see it came from All might-" He explained excitedly, stopping in his words once he realized he had just exposed himself. "Mind repeating that Izuku?" You asked, frowning a bit and wanting to make sure you heard it right.

"See uhm- The doctor said it was a rare case and I manifested my quirk really late and it's normal so you don't really have to worry about me and it's totally not from all might." He started mumbling, speaking faster with the second and telling you a whole story.

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