rescue misson - tamajiki amajiki x pregnant!fem!reader

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"So everything has been going good so far right?" Kirishima asked Tamaki as he turned towards him. "Y Yeah just some small villains today right Fat Gum?'' Tamaki answered as they both turned towards Fat Gum. Fat Gum nodded, not being able to answer because his mouth is filled with food fans gave him.

Fat Gum, Suneater and Red Riot were out on patrol together, nothing major had happened so far yet, just a normal day for the pro heroes. They decided to split up a while ago to do some check ups, but there was nothing going on. It was just a peaceful day in town, or so they thought.

You were sitting in your office, just doing some work behind the computer. You couldn't go out on patrol since you were pregnant, you were around 6 months now. You wanted to go on patrol but Tamaki refused to let you out, he told you the only way he would let you do hero work is when you're at your office, sitting down and doing some simple work.

He told you this was the only 100% safe way for you to work while carrying your baby. You agreed with him on that because what could go wrong when you're working at an office right? Right?

Wrong. You were focused on your work as someone walked into your office, you didn't look up, thinking it was someone from the agency. "I'm going home in a bit, just finishing up the last files.'' You said automatically. People at the agency kept checking on you from time to time on a day because Tamaki wanted to make sure you were okay, even if he wasn't there.

"Yeah we couldn't care less, you're coming with us.'' You heard an unfamiliar voice say, making you look up in curiosity. You saw several masked, unfamiliar men and frowned.

"I'm sorry I think you got the wrong person.'' You answered calmly. "Y/N Amajiki right?" One of the males asked. "Yeah look at her name plate on the desk.'' Another male answered and they all turned their attention back to you. "What is your business with me?" You asked. "Nothing you have to worry about.'' You hear one of them say behind you and a cloth was placed on your mouth and nose.

You cursed at yourself for not paying enough attention to all your surroundings and were knocked out before you even noticed. "She's asleep sir.'' One of the males said. "It would've caused trouble if she still was awake, let's go.'' Another one said and they left with you, going to their hide out.

Tamaki and the others were still on patrol happily talking to a few fans here and there. Nothing seemed to go wrong for another hour until the news was made public since no one at the agency could find you. There was a live news report everywhere in the city, on the billboards, phones and tv's at home. Fat Gum, Tamaki and Kirishima stopped walked and turned their attention to the billboards, not knowing what they were about to hear.

"Breaking news, pro hero H/N has been kidnapped from her office a hour ago and no one can't seem to find her. If you see any trace of her or see her somewhere please let the police know with the contact information shown on the screen.'' The reporter said and paused for a second. Tamaki his world paused for a second and kept his focus on the billboard in front off him. Did he hear that right? His wife kidnapped an hour ago and no one heard or saw her? While you were pregnant and he made sure you were safe?

"She was last seen wearing a purple Suneater hoodie and black leggings, she's about 6 months pregnant and had her hair down. We'll keep you updated on the news about her. Thank you for listening.'' The reported said and the news report ended.

Tamaki turned to Fat Gum and was clearly freaking out. "We have to find her now.'' He said. "Amajiki calm down first.'' Fat Gum said carefully and Tamaki shook his head. "How can I be calm when she has been kidnapped?! She's pregnant and it's been an hour since she was kidnapped, who knows what could've happened?!'' Tamaki snapped and started tearing up, thinking about possibilities.

"I know I know, but we don't have any clues about where she is and we can't suddenly leave when we're patrolling here.'' Fat Gum sighed. "I'll call up a few more pro heroes and stay here, you guys can go.'' Kirishima said with a smile. "Thanks Red Riot. We can't lose anytime she can't be that far away.'' Tamaki said as tears rolled his cheeks without him noticing.

"Suneater.'' Fat Gum said. "Yes?'' Tamaki answered, overthinking the situation and freaking out even more. "Calm down yourself first, you're crying.'' He said. "I know she's strong, she's not gonna let anything happen to her!'' Kirishima said, trying to cheer Tamaki up a bit.

Tamaki sighed and wiped his tears away, looking at his ring and placing a kiss on it, trying to calm himself down. "Please be safe and somewhere close.'' He said softly and drank some water. Meanwhile Kirishima called the nearby heroes to see if they were free and they were.

"Fat Gum, Suneater, I called other pro heroes and they're free. You guys can go, good luck.'' Kirishima said and Tamaki didn't hesitate a second. "Bye take care.'' Tamaki said and walked to the direction of your office.

Tamaki and Fat Gum looked around for about an hour, finding no clues until Tamaki his phone rang. Tamaki picked up right away and let out a sigh of relief when he heard the news. "We found her, it's 5 minutes away from where you are. Come here quickly so we can get into the place.'' The police said. "Yes sir. We'll be there as soon as we can.'' Tamaki said and hung up.

"They found her, let's go.'' Tamaki said and looked at the location sent to him. Fat Gum nodded and they went to the address.

When they arrived there was police outside the place. "Ready, we're breaking the door down.'' The police man next to Tamaki said and he nodded. The door got broken down and there were a few of the men that kidnapped y/n there. Tamaki looked behind the people to see if you were there but you weren't.

"Suneater, Fat Gum you guys go, we got this!'' Another pro hero said and Tamaki nodded, him and Fat Gum split up and looked in every room to see if you were there. Tamaki was about to give up when there was one last door left and he didn't see you yet. He opened the door and saw you tied up to a chair with another man in the room.

"Y/N!'' Tamaki said happily but didn't have the time to think about you as the man attacked him. Tamaki turned his attention back to his opponent and fought. After a while he finally had the man knocked out on the ground and walked towards you. He was covered in a few wounds and there was blood dripping his cheek because of the damage the enemy left.

"A Are you okay?" Tamaki asked as he started untying you. "I'm fine Tama, are you?" You asked him, looking down at him. "This isn't about me babe.'' He said quickly and wrapped his arms around you when he finally untied you. "I was so scared you know.'' He mumbled and nuzzled his face in your neck, sniffling quietly.

You were safe and he couldn't be happier. He can't and doesn't want to imagine his life without you. He would never forgive himself if something happened to you or your baby.

"I'm fine Tama.'' You said softly as you played with his hair. "They didn't hurt you did they?" He asked and you shook your head. "They only put me to sleep, they wanted me as a hostage.'' You said, calming him down completely.

"Suneater are you okay ther- Oh thank god.'' Fat Gum said as he walked in. "I'm glad everyone is safe, the police got all the villains and theres an ambulance to take care of the wounded people outside.'' He said with a smile and you nodded. "Thanks to all of you, really.'' You smiled being thankful that all of them went to rescue you.

Tamaki said nothing and lifted you up, walking to the ambulance straight away. "We're gonna get you checked.'' He said and put you on the ambulance stretcher. "Tama baby I'm fine. You should get yourself checked first.'' You said and held his face gently. "You first.'' He said as he placed a kiss on your hand and you laughed softly.

The doctor checked you and you were all fine. It was Tamaki his turn to get his wounds treated and you held his hand smiling and having the other hand on your belly. "I told you I was fine Tama.'' You laughed softly and felt a kick. You put Tamaki his hand on your belly and laughs softly. "Look they're okay too.'' You said softly.

Tamaki smiled at you and rubbed your belly gently. "Sorry for putting you guys in danger, I promise I'll be more careful from now on.'' He said as he talked to your belly and placed a kiss on it. There was another kick right on Tamaki his nose and you guys laughed softly.

Tamaki couldn't be happier and wish for anything else in life. You were his happiness and motivation and now you guys were expecting a baby. Knowing that both of you were healthy comforted him and no matter what happens in the future, he's always ready to sacrifice his life for you two.

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