Skye's advice in private meeting

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(Hufflepuff Girls dormitory, 9 am)

While getting her bath supplies, Ariel's watch rang. It was almost time to go to Potions class. After finishing in the girls bathroom, Ariel changed into her school uniform and got her backpack. While going towards the doorway from the common room, she exchanged a few "hellos" from her house members. One of them was a third year named Rebecca Hernandez, a blonde haired girl with a positive attitude. Rebecca mostly hangs out at the castle's grounds by the pathway to "Care of Magical Creatures" class.

(Between Potions class and Transfiguration class, in lower floor-east side)
Waiting for the students of the current lesson to leave the room, Ariel felt something fall by her feet. She picked it up and saw a letter. It read:"Hi, meet me by the stairs near the kitchens. I kind of have a new look and need your opinion on it. See ya soon:)-Thomas M" Ariel smiled before going into her next class. By the way, here's a picture of how Ariel's dorm life looks like (approximately):

(Skye's private meeting for Hufflepuff girls, 12:25 pm)
"Hey, loyal teammates. Thanks for joining me on my first private meeting for girls. Soon it's the February Formal" party and many of you are probably stuck with finding that special someone to go to the dance with. So that's why I've made this meeting. Now, asks your questions!" Exclaimed Skye. Including Ariel and Rowan, there were about five more girls in the meeting with them. They are: Penny, Tonks, Addison, Nora and a fourth year, Katherine Collins. "Hey girls, you probably don't know me well, but I'm Katherine, just a year ahead of you, am a proud Hufflepuff and joined the "Hippogriff" club in my 2nd year. I can't figure out who to choose between two very friendly Hufflepuff guys. They are Lawrence Green and Tyler Grey." Skye nodded at her and said,"Well, personally, I know Lawrence as a helpful house member and a great partner for any difficult class. Tyler is ok too, he's funny and very fun to be around. What do you think now, Katherine?" Asked Skye. Katherine looked down and then said,"What I think is I might choose Lawrence. I kind of struggle still in both Potions and in Flying class, there's just too much expectations from the teachers." Few more girls told their problems and then it was Rowan's turn. "Hey girls, I'm a third year and friends with Ariel, Penny and Tonks. I think I have a soft spot for one of our third years, Joshua Murphy." There was a moment of silence before Skye showed up a photo of the boy Rowan mentioned. "That's him? Mr Murphy," began Skye. "Yes, do you know anything about him?" Rowan started to get sweaty in her hands. "Hm, not bad, not great. Seems to progress in Potions, is great in Charms class, spends his time mostly by the kitchens, up the stairs in the dungeons." Skye told what she knows of him. Rowan nodded and whispered to Tonks,"I will try to start a chat with him and wait till he comes up to me." Tonks patted Rowan on the back. Before they knew it, the meeting was over. It was getting closer to evening.

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