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                          Wilburs Pov

"Oh~" all of the boys say,elbowing me. "Guys,stop." I say,rolling my eyes. "You like her for sure." Some kid who I don't know mutters. After four minutes of them teasing me and talking when the boy counselor walks in. "Ok guys,go to sleep. We're waking up at six." All of the boys grown and so do I,but we all still get into bed as the counselor leaves. Everyone starts whisper-talking but I just stare at the window. I can't get (y/n) out of my head. When we held hands,the way her (e/c)eyes sparkled in the sunset, when she smiled at me,the way when she's talking to me I felt like the only person in the world. I feel my face go red thinking about her,but how can you like someone you've just met? How did I never she her beautiful face at school? I try to sleep,I keep tossing and turning trying to fall into a deep sleep. Nothing,no matter where I moved,or what I did,I couldn't fall asleep. I sit up in my bed quietly,checking the time. 1:43, I slip out of the bed and pull on my shoes. Might as well go on a walk,what's the worst that can happen. I tiptoe out and start to walk,don't know where,but every time I try to think of something it always ends with (y/n). I never understood what people said when they'd ask me if I've ever had someone stuck in my head. I always said no,but now I know,and to be real,it sucks,to know they're probably not thinking of you. Everything's quiet except for crickets,the wind,and some quiet singing Wait- singing ? I hold my breath and I start to hear it. "If you feel lonely,I could be lonely with with you,tell me baby." I start to walk towards the noise, "I'm tired of waiting,I was never good a spor-" i feel a loud crunch under me. Damnit Wilbur,why wouldn't you check if your going to step on something. "Hello?" A quiet voice mutters. "Hi," I whisper,no point in hiding it. I walk over to see a big field with no one in it I walk over to an empty field feeling a light tinge of fear in the pit of my stomach. I walk over to see (y/n) laying in the field,wearing my hoodie. I feel my face grown red,I feel butterflies fly around in my stomach,ok Wilbur,calm down. "What are you doing hear?" She asks. "I could ask the same question to you." (Y/n) let's out a small laugh, damn,her laugh is so pretty. "I couldn't sleep." I mutter. "Same," I lay down in the field next to her,looking at the moon. "So," I whispers. "Who was your first crush?" "What kinda question is that?" (Y/n) chuckles."I don't know,it's my go to question." I mutter. " I don't even know,I think I liked some kid named Mat, what about you?" "Easy, Emma,she had a pet lizard, on Valentine's Day I told her I liked-liked her and she just said Ew and walked away." I laugh as (y/n) try's not to be loud while laughing her ass off. She wipes a tear from her eye, "Ah,young love,so beautiful." As we talked one thing led to another,and another,and another.

X time skip X

I yawn as (y/n) try's to stay awake. "I think we should go to our cabins." (Y/n) mumbled. "Yeah." I me and (y/n) get up,wiping all of the grass off of us. "Night,see yah." She sighed,walking off. "Good night." I mutter,running into the boys cabin,slipping my shoes off and jumping into bed. I turn my head 3:45, and I close my eyes,slowly drifting into a deep sleep.

(A/n text me on Wattpad if you have any ideas!!!!!!!! Please!!!!! Even if you think it's a crappy idea!!!!!!)

𝙰 𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛,Wilbur Robinson x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now