Getting ready for......

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(Y/n) pov

                              Map of camp

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                              Map of camp

It's been two weeks of camp,and if I'm telling the complete truth my favorite part of the day isn't really part of the day. It's the night,when I go outside and Wilbur and I get to talk. We both can't sleep,so we've been meeting each other in the big field behind the art cabin.When he smiles it makes my stomach do a flip and when he tells me about something he's interested in he gets hyper and all smiley.I think the best thing he told me was the story about how he went into the past and met his dad. "So,(y/n) I saw you leave the cabin at like 11 am and come back in at 2 am. Wanna comment on that?" Avery says smiling. "I think you were dreaming." I mutter,focusing on my breathing so I don't give anything away. "Sure,it's not like you've been tired all the time or whatever."Avery says,giving me a small playful glare. I sit down on my bed and look around at the room full of girls. "What are you guys getting ready for anyway? Did you plan something?" All the girls stop running around the room and grabbing things and stare at me. "Are you joking or....." a girl whispers. "We're going to the dance,you know,the summer dance that happens every year?" My eyes start to widen as she says that. The dance the dance the dance! How could I forget! I run out the door as fast as I can and run over to the girl counselor. "Hey,um,I forgot about the dance,and um... I didn't pack a outfit. And I'm kinda freaking out please help." I say,feeling like I just got punched in the stomach. "Oh! Don't worry,your mother packed you a outfit. Let me go grab it." She says,smiling. I let out a breath and sit on a bench nearby. Around three minutes pass,just waiting. She runs over and hands me a bag. "Here you go,got to go,need to go help some kid freaking out." She runs off. "Thanks!" I yell,running off into the cabin. "What time are we going!" I yell,trying to find my hairbrush. "Around 30 minutes." Someone yells. What the hell?! I brush my hair as fast as possible and look at the dress Mom gave me,a dark blue dress that goes to my knees and flowers on it. I smile when I see it has pockets. It's not the most fancy dress,but let's be real,this is a summer camp dress,I just need a simple dress,and hear it is. I pull it on quickly and look at the heels. "Fine,but I'm taking these of as soon as possible." I whisper. I stop and look around,everyone's panicking and doing their hair and stuff,yet everything's so calm. The only thing you can hear is the clacking of the heels on wood. After 15 minutes of people running around and people panicking everything seems to calm down. "Girls,let's go!" A counselor yells,I check the time 6:43 pm. We all get up and run to the door. It's go time.

𝙰 𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛,Wilbur Robinson x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now