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Im on my way and don't worry I remembered the tampons, and yes I got super plus hehe

why couldn't you have been in the car with mom and dad

love you too! see you soon

*seen 3:14pm*

*end text*

"Ok remember whatever we see do not I repeat do not act impressed, it'll only feed his already obese ego."

"yes I know you've told me a million times y/n but I mean we are going to like one of the worlds top 10 most expensive houses so I might gawk a little."

"keep it internal and the try not to drool all over 1940's when we get there"

"alright were here, someone will bring your luggage to your room."

"thanks happy" , we said in unison.

"oh and question, is happy your real name or is it just to remind you to be happy?"

"god you really are a stark" you laughed at that.

- a/n I imagine you wearing this but if its not your style feel free to imagine whatever you want, I just put these in for reference :)

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- a/n I imagine you wearing this but if its not your style feel free to imagine whatever you want, I just put these in for reference :)

Me and lucy walked up to the "lobby" if that's what you want to call it. Its almost as if I could sense him or smell him with his cologne that was about 5 sprays to much.

"Crash! Aren't you happy to see me" He said with the biggest smirk on his face

"Ah Storky I brought you the goods" I said as I pulled out the box of tampons.

"Hm thanks so much I defiantly need them, its been a really heavy flow." He said with a real genuine smile and pulled me into a hug.

As much as I hate to admit it I did miss him and he was one of the few people who could take a joke.

"And you must be lucy, pleasure to meet you." He said with a devilish grin

Before lucy could say anything I cut in

"Oh no no no"


"none of your charmer business man bullshit"

"maybe I actually enjoy lucy and not you"

"you've known her 2 seconds"

"and I already like her more than you"

"C'mon Tony lets show them around" Happy cut in at the perfect time because I was this close to slapping that grin off his face

"So I saw you at the women's march a couple months ago, I must say you did really well."

I think that might have been the first time he has genuinely complimented me

"Um thanks it was singlehandly the best moment of my life, beside every time I get too see you obviously

"obviously" he looked at me with that grin again.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened and all of the sudden I felt nervous. Im not sure why I mean they're just people right, just people that casually fight monsters from space, 


"Helloooooo everyone gather round I have some people Id like to introduce"

All of the avengars piled in, Natasha, Clint, Banner, and lastly Cap.

- im imagining all of them looking how they did in age of ultron.

"Isn't the one with the magnetic hammer supposed to be here too"

"Hes in Asgard"

"right" I said laced with sarcasm as if I just casually go to Asgard on the weekends.

"Ok everyone this is y/n my younger sister and her best friend lucy."

Me and lucy waved and gave a warm smile to everyone, well I did Lucy just kinda stared at cap whilst waving.

"Oh yeah I was there at your speech you did at the women's march, it was exceptional" Nat said

"Thank you"

"Not trying to come off rude but why exactly are they here?" Said hawkeye. I know he said not trying to be rude but we should get an attitude check on him. I mean I would be mad too if my superpower was being a modern day robin hood.

"Our apartment got infested with rats and then a whole bunch of other stuff so we just need a place to stay for about a year"

They all nodded

"Well we want you to feel welcome here so please dont feel like outsiders and if you need any of us the elevators button have our logos on them so you'll know how to reach us."

Damn they were not kidding Captain America really was a gentlemen.

We both smiled at him.

"Alright let me show you your rooms and then come back to this floor at 7 for dinner, got it"

"Got it" we said in sync

We hopped in the elevator and sure enough there were the logod elevator buttons.

" You like the buttons" Tony said pointing to them

"I put an explosion with a sunrise because apparently lucy means light or born at dawn."

woah wait that was kinda thoughtful, who knew tony stark had a heart.

"Thank you so much Mr.Stark its wonderful"

Wonderful? Since when did Lucy say wonderuful?

We got to our floor and it was massive. I mean it was 4 times the size of our apartment. Maybe our apartment can just stay infested with rats forever.

"wow" we both said

Shit, I mentally slapped myself for gawking outloud

"Pretty nice huh"

"Ive seen better"

" Yeah yeah, ok well I will leave you two to it and remember dinner at 7."

"yup got it and seriously thank you tony" I said with genuine intent.

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