I Miss You

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Tate's POV

It's funny how fast we fall in love. I honestly never thought about love. But then you meet that special person.

At first you don't know that you love them but then you realize that you actually do.

How can a person you just met mean the world to you? How? I don't know and it's crazy how it's all going through my mind.

Is it really that difficult to tell that special someone how you feel. Why don't you do it before it's too late.

It's not like she's going to hate you right? Or would she?

I mean we have a lot in common and we've known eachother for a while now.

She's been there for you when everyone else put you down. Doesn't she also make your heart skip a beat too?

It's crazy how funny and extremely beautiful a young girl like her could be. It should be illegal. It's something about her that makes me go insane.

She's perfectly perfect. If that makes any sense.

Violet. Her name fits her really well. It amazes me how happy and strong she could be on the outside. But in the inside all I see is pain. If only I could wash it all away.

She lives with her shitty parents. They hate me because I love her more than they do. Pretty fucked up shit right?

I decide it's better for me to write Violet a letter telling her how I feel about her.

I go to her house and leave the letter in her mailbox. She told me that she's the one that usually gets the mail every morning. That's why I'm not worried about anyone else getting the letter.

Dear Violet,

I feel like a dick not telling you this in person. But it's hard sometimes you know? Well I'm going to make this short. During these years me and you have spent together, We've grown a really strong friendship. But for me it was something else. It was something way beyond that. It's what I call love. Yes Violet, I LOVE YOU. If you hate me after this please know that I will always love you no matter what. If you choose that you do love me then meet me where we first met. I'm sorry for this piece of paper and I promise that if you go I will stutter and be super nervous to tell you how I feel but I will still have the courage to tell you.
- Tate (p.s. Love me please)

Violet hasn't came to see me in a few days. Usually she comes to visit me almost every day. I start getting goosebumps thinking of all the negative things that could of happened to her.

Tate stop. Maybe she's just been busy lately. But it's been to long. I miss seeing her caramel eyes shining like the stars. I smile at the thought of that.

I live with my mom. I act like I throw up just the fact I called her mom. She doesn't deserve to be called that. Yeah she gave birth to me and so on but she's so pathetic.

She doesn't deserve to have children if she's not going to love them. I've never been able to tell her how I feel. I've always dreamed of a day to come home and hear my mother say "Tate how was your day? Or how was school today?" It always bring me tears.

Why doesn't she care? I've been there. She just never wanted me to and I'm sure that if I ever left she would be more miserable then ever. I hate going places and seeing children with their mom or dad so happy enjoying life. I never ever got a chance to know how that feels. My father died when I was really young. I act like I don't care but maybe I do. I was at his grave when Violet first saw me. Thank god for that day. Maybe if my dad would of been there for me, I would of been a much better person or maybe my life would be better. We never actually knew how he died. It remains a mystery.

Fuck I can't take this anymore! I have to go see Violet.

I grab a sweater and put my black old dirty converse on and leave outside.

There's a 0% probability that Constance noticed I left the house. She's definitely smoking. Maybe I should get her some weed so she can be all about that high life. Ahh fuck her.

I was passing through the streets when I notice some persons house had Violets. I grab a couple for Violet. I feel so clever that I smile at myself.

I'm at the corner of her house when I see Violet getting in a car. It's not her parents car because this one is big. Is she going somewhere? I stop for a minute to find out what's going on. What the heck! Why is their a man pulling a luggage inside the car. It's Violets I could tell. Her parents are waving goodbye. Oh shit no! Violets leaving. I drop the violets and run to catch up to the car but it's too late she's gone. I cry. I just can't take so much pain.

"She left Tate. It's the last you'll ever see of Violet" said her mom with an evil smile. They left inside.

I kneeled to the ground. Why Violet? Did you really hate me that much? Is it because of that stupid letter I sent you? I knew it was stupid and that you were going to hate me. My life is ruined now. Maybe you'll come back won't you?

Month's Later...

It's been months since Violet left. I honestly have no life anymore. All I do is lay in my bed and cry. All I can think about is all these perfect memories we had together. I have a picture of me and Violet that we took together. She was smiling. It made me happy for a second but then I remembered she was gone.

I tried located her but it's like she disappeared. I've talked to her parents and they absolutely hate me so no luck.

This is one of the many letters I wrote Violet telling her how much I miss her even though she won't see them.

Dear Violet,

Where are you? I've been missing you like crazy you know. Oh wait you won't know because your not here. Please tell me why you left? It's insane how you left like nothing. Why did you leave when I was going to tell you how I really feel? I love you please come back. I need you.

What if she's really gone forever?

Year's Later...

It's been years since I've seen Violet. It's crazy how time goes. I still miss her so much. I told her in the letter that no matter what I would always love her and I will. I just wish she'd been here for all the great events that happened in my life. When I graduated all I ever wanted to see is Violet with me congratulating me. But no. We could of had so many memories but she left. Every day I'd write Violet a letter telling her how my daily life was. I would keep every single letter. I have like a million of them piled up in my closet. Here's my recent one.

Dear Violet,

Violet it's been so long. So many things have changed a lot. I wanted you to be part of my love life but you left. I decided it was time to move on. It was hard but then I met someone. Her name is Hayden. She's really nice and beautiful. We go to many fun places. It's sad thinking about how that could of been us. Have you got a boyfriend? Trust me just the thought of it makes me jealous. But hey maybe it was a good thing that you left. Maybe you were supposed to find your true love somewhere else. Your still that special someone to me you know? My bestfriend. I wish you'd come visit me sometime. I really want to know what happened with you. Did you get married or have children? You'd look really beautiful if you did. You in a wedding dress makes me happy. Well I have to go I'm taking Hayden somewhere.
-Tate (p.s. Miss you Violet, Love You)

Never leave something at the last minute. If you love someone tell them now because it could be late. Everyday I regret not telling Violet I loved her.

Yes, I never got to tell Violet that I Love Her! *sigh*

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