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Name: Y/N
Age: 30
Occupation(s): Your a new teacher at UA, mostly a night hero because you don't like to be known by the press and taken photos of because your quirk is made fun of to be villainous, though you still have fans and are very strong and well known for your good figure and selflessness
Hobbies: Car Racing, Motorcycle rides, Sunsets, Curry, Gambling, Reading, Drinking Coffee, Sleeping, Helping others and etc.
Family: ?
Hero Name: HellHound
Quirk Name: Demon
Set Backs: When using her quirk she has access to her quirks for 12 hours a day max depending on how much energy and which forms are being used.
Quirks (in general):
Hound (a giant beast dog like form covered in red flames (fire temperature levels change the color of the fire going from red to blue to purple) with ferocious large teeth able to bite into almost anything, flames emerge from the ground around her prey leaving them cornered from escape)
Demoness (a red skinned form with white hair and horns she has 5x times as much strength as a normal human, and depending on her eye color depends what happens to her appointment the darker the color the more energy used)
Demon (like a lower version of Demoness)(you have normal skin and normal human form with red eyes and brown hair and your hero suit in this form you can grow your big black wings and horns during combat for better range and you arms produce black tar use as a type of rope and can be controlled to be sharper or any shape that you please to use)
Disciples (she can duplicate multiple different forms emotions used in combat)
Restore (she can heal the wounds of others depending on how big the wound and how much energy used she gains 50% of damages when healing)

*She hides her actual demon form so she won't be made fun of for having a villain type of quirk since she's a demon*

I'll also have one chapter of me showing you what she looks like I'm in the middle of drawing her right now!

(Sorry for any misspelling)

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