Chapter 2

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"Wait, you're the man I came across last night when I was patrolling."

"Yeah I remember, I never got your name yesterday." he said

"Well im glad that changed."

My first class had started as all of class 1-A walked and sat into their seats and they all introduced themselves.

"Well class, this year ill be class 1-A's close and far range combat teacher. My name-" I say as I get cut off by one of my students Izuku Midoriya, a green haired young boy.

"Your Y/N, pro hero HellHound! Your quirk is unknown because many people have different encounters and opinions on what you quirk is, other say that you might have multiple quirks with how much strength and agility you have if all the quirks people say you had were true you'd be just as strong as All Might maybe stronger! You're well known to be one of the most caring and selfless pro heroes, your also well known to be undetectable if you were to come up to somebody from behind they wouldn't even be able to hear you! You always make the best decisions super quickly in situations too! Its an honor to be your student this year!" he said excitedly with absolutely no stutter which surprised me with also how fast he said it.

"Dang you read me like a book. I guess I wont need to introduce myself. Im guessing that notebook of yours told you that?"

"H-heh, yeah I study peoples quirks especially pro heroes and write them in my notebook. I-its kind of a hobby." he said embarrassed.

"Haha, funny thing is that I also do that as a hobby! I find it interesting how everybody's quirk works and its setbacks." 

"Anyway, Ill be helping you improve your quirks abilities and give you suggestions on how to use your quirk to its best capability. Listening in this class is very important so I advise you to pay attention, I dont like repeating myself. If you need help with anything in or out of school im always here to help and give any advice needed. Other than that, I hope my teaching with help you all become outstanding heroes in the future!"

"I also understand after having to do the entrance exam and Aizawas test so sudden that you all must be exhausted, so ill leave you all alone today. Though dont expect to have another free-bee like this again any time soon. So you all are dismissed early to get ready for your next class." I said.

As everybody said goodbye and headed out the door I stopped Midoriya before he left and asked him to stay back for a bit. 

"M-Ms. L/N, what do you need." he said.

"May I see your notebook Midoriya if you dont mind, could I possibly edit my page."

"O-oh! Of course!" he said as he took the notebook out of his bag and handed me it with a pencil.

I flip through the pages admiring all of his hard work. I found pages of all the students' quirks most not finished. I also found pages of almost every pro hero, All Mights being especially long with the most detail. Im guessing that his favorite pro hero. I passed through Aizawas page reading through the whole page admiring his quirk. I notice he doesn't like going near the press just as I do as I read more im cut off by Midoriya.

"Uh, your page is the next one."

"O-oh thank you, sorry about that I lost track."

Midoriya's POV...

When Ms. L/N dismisses us, Im the last one to get through the door but before I do im stopped by Ms. L/N, she asked to edit her page in my notebook. I got excited and I gladly took the notebook out of my bag and handed it to her with a pencil. I watched as she curiously flipped the pages revealing every student and pro heroes pages were written by me until she stop as Mr. Aizawa's page and stays there for a couple minutes observing his page, probably reading it multiple times. I thought I saw a little blush on her cheeks as she read it but I ignored it and interrupted her, her eyes shot up from blushing as I told her that her page was the next one. I watched as she read her page over and edited it as she covered what she wrote. Curiously I tried peeking over her shoulder but she replied "not yet" until she finally finished. She closed the notebook and she handed me back my notebook and pencil. I tried opening the notebook to see what she wrote until she put a hand over the notebook blocking me from opening it and told me to wait until later.

"Not yet, I want you to read it when your not next to me so you dont look at me differently. Dont show or read my page to anybody else even if it come to having to rip my page, Ill trust you with that. It'll be a secret alright." she told me as I looked at her curiously and walked out the door and headed to my next class wondering what she had written in the notebook that shed rather not have anybody else knowing.

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