Chapter 11

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My eyes slowly open and adjust to the light revealing my hospital room. The room was silent apart from my heavy breathing and the beeping sound from my moniter. "Ugh." I thought. There isnt one thing I can think of at the moment that I hate more than waking up in a hospital. I dont have any good experiences with hospitals so waking up in one alive is a first. 

I sat in silence for a couple minutes until a wave of annoyance washes over me. I cant stay in here any longer. I rip the IV out of my arm and stand surprisingly easily. I see my clothes and phone on a chair and grab them and head to the bathroom to change. After changing I open the door to leave my hospital room and a sharp pain rushes through my body. I clench my teeth and change my stance as I hold the door handle for balance. A couple of minutes later the rush of pain is slowly leaving my body as I leave the room and walk down the halls to leave the hospital. The pain is finally gone until a nurse taps my shoulder I clench my teeth again as I turn around.

"Um... Miss.. I believe you're supposed to be in your bed." the nurse said.

"No, I was discharged earlier." I lie as I turn back around and leave until I cause any more suspicion.

Right as I leave the exit of the hospital im meet face to face with Hizashi, Aizawa, and Nemuri.

"Hey! I thought you were supposed to be discharged tomorrow!" Hizashi said.

"Yeahhhhh no." I said nervously. Im not going back in that hospital, you cant make me -_-

*I hear running foot steps behind me* I turn around to face a nurse in scrubs running towards me. "Miss you weren't discharged, you're scheduled to be discharged in the next day or so until you've fully healed. You were given pain meds a couple ours ago but they should be where off by now we need to have you seated so you don't pass out. Have you been experienced and drowsiness, blurred vision, sharp pains." 

I turn back around to face Nemuri, Hizashi, and Aizawa all having their arms crossed dead panning me straight in the eyes. 

"Alright, alright! Back to the hospital bed -_- not like I have much of a choice." I say as I turn around and walk towards the hospital again. I feel a sharp pain that hurt more than before. I take a harsh stomp leaning forward holding onto my lower abdomen as I wobble trying to balance myself. 

I feel a strong arm wrap around me helping me stand. I look up to see Aizawa. "Thanks-" suddenly a sharp hiss comes out of my mouth as I grip onto my stomach tighter when another sharp pain joins the other.

"Okay you're clearly not okay we need to go right now" He says as he picks me up bridal style and we make our way back to the hospital. The way he's holding on to me tightly feels comfortable so drowsiness takes over me in his arms as I snuggle closer.

(I am so sorry it took me forever to post forgive me of my sins lol)

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