Chapter 4

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*This Chapters still kinda SpIcY*

"Y'know if you keep teasing me like that im not gonna be able to control myself kitten."

I started to lean away watching y/n's flustered face turn a brighter red when she grabs the collar of my shirt and pulls me closer again.

"You wouldn't dare, not here." she said whispering in my ear.

"Oh really, this desk would look a lot better with you bent over it." I whispered back smirking as I backed away sitting back across her taking another sip of my coffee.

Y/N's POV...

This man is about to make me act up in a teachers lounge. His black hair and his handsome smirk makes my stomach swarm with butterflies. His black eyes are so mesmerizing, I feel like if I stare for too long ill be stuck in the void of his scent of coffee reflecting from his mouth. His warm touch makes my hunger for him grow stronger. I just met this man yesterday and ive fallen desperate for his touch already. Its too soon though. I want to know more about this man ive come to already adore. I wanna know his hobbies, his favorite foods, his issues and more. I wanna trust him and I wanna gain his trust in return.

A couple minutes later....

Still lost in thought, Aizawa stood and walked towards me and patted my head.

"Its alright, I know its too soon."

"Aizawa. I wanna get to know you. Something about you just cant get me to not. I wanna know who you are."

"So do I." he said which gave me a relief.

"How about we start over coffee." he suggested.

"That'd be great!"

I grabbed my coffee and stood up to go refill it. After I filled my coffee I turned around to him calling me finding him right behind me. I bump into him spilling the coffee all over myself.

"Oh im sorry! Let me get that!" Aizawa said quickly grabbing towels as he helps me get the coffee off.

As some of the coffee dripped down to my thighs he starts rubbing the towels against my thighs. He went really close to me inner thighs as I tried not to moan covering my mouth with my hands as my face turned a light pink.

Aizawa's POV...

Idiot, you're the reason she got her hero outfit all dirty. I quickly grabbed towels to help her clean her outfit. I wanted to get the coffee off of her before it started to burn her even more. I started cleaning her thighs getting every drop of coffee that was spilt. After I cleaned her thighs I looked up to her seeing her covering her mouth with her face slighting pink. I gave her a confused look until I realized what I had done. I heard her make a muffled sound that made me slightly blush. I see her turn around, I put the rags down and turn her back around removing her hand from her mouth and I kissed her. I couldn't control myself. I could feel her hands wrap round my neck as I wrapped mine around her waist. She let out a slight moan as the kiss had stopped and had connected again right after. My desperation for this woman could only get stronger by the minute. I wish the moment had lasted long until the door slammed open revealing...

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