Chapter: 30

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"I don't know..." Adam's whisper cuts the silence which is surrounding us.

Clenching my jaws I brace myself to hear the worst from his mouth. My hands clasped in my lap while I focus on my breathing to stop myself from tearing up.

"I don't know how to change diapers," He says in a barely audible voice that I almost missed what he's saying, "I don't even know how to burp them." He raises his eyes to meet mine.

"What if I drop it?" He utterly looks horrified, while I am too stunned to react because certainly, I haven't anticipated this. I was preparing myself for something really worse, but definitely not this.

It? Seriously, Adam?

"We have to change house plans." He mumbles, his knees keep on bouncing while he chews inside of his cheeks, "The baby room should be near ours because babies are tiny and need constant attention so I need to be near the baby. Even better I can keep the baby in our room until he starts speaking so he can call me if needs anything, right? But what if he doesn't want to be with me because I am not able to take care of him." He almost blabbers to himself like I am not even in the same room as him.

"Him? The baby can be her also..." He speaks to himself running both hands in his hair while a panicked expression settled on his face, "Oh, my God! If the baby is her then I have to be extra careful, she needs to be protected from everything. Especially boys, boys are bad... I will not let them near her."

"God! How am I going to manage everything and take care of my baby girl?" He rubs his hand over his face while shaking his head, "Let it be a boy... let it be a boy..." He mumbles with closed eyes like he is praying.

I can't exactly say when but at some point during his nonsense talk I started laughing.

"This is not funny!" Adam glances at me giving me an annoyed glare, "I am serious."

Then the tears which I was trying to hold erupt from my eyes and I started sobbing like an idiot because I am not even able to control my laugh either. I am laughing and crying, at the same time.

"What's wrong?" Adam gently holds my face forcing me to look at him.

"I thought..." I swallow while closing my eyes, "I thought you don't want this baby, that you want me to get rid of it." Covering my face, I fall on my knees while the thought of giving up on my baby completely breaks me down.

"Why the hell I would say something like this?" Adam looks appalled and shocked.

"You haven't said a word since the doctor delivered this news. So obviously I felt that you are not happy and don't want the baby." Wiping my nose with the back of my hand, I glare at him through my tear-filled gaze.

"I had already decided that if you suggested me any such thing, then I would have left you right away." I look away feeling angry at him for making me think like this, "Because I will never give up my baby, not for anyone... not even for you."

"God!" He sits beside me on the floor and tries to hug me but I push him away but ignoring my protest he wraps his arms around me, "I thought you are not ready for this because you looked so pale when you heard that you are pregnant. That's why I was trying to give you space to let this news sink in. If you didn't want the baby, then I would have never let you force to raise our baby. I would have taken care of him all by myself. And the thought of doing everything all by own was scaring the hell out of me because honestly, I don't know anything about raising a child. I haven't even held my nephews until they were two because babies are squirmy. So I was petrified how I am going to look after my own child."

Okay, I agree even I freaked out a bit because I was clearly not expecting to hear this news. It was a happy freaking out, not Oh. My. God, I don't want this baby... it was more like Oh. My. God, I am having a baby.

"You are an idiot and I truly hate you so much right now that I want to crush your head." I lay down on the floor and start laughing because of his stupidity.

"It means you want this baby?" He asks tentatively.

"Of course, you moron." I continue to laugh, "I want this baby, because I know I am going to be the best mother this baby can have."

Well, I have no doubt that I am going to be an amazing mom, so why downplay it, huh?

"I am going to be a dad!" Finally, a big grin appeared on his face the kind of grin which I have expected to see on his face when he would have found out that we are having a baby, "I am going to be a dad... I will have a mini-me." He covers his mouth with his fist as he laughs.

"We are going to be parents..." He looks at me, making me softly smile at him because I haven't seen him this happy in a long time.

"Yeah, we are." Nodding my head, I open my arms.

Without caring about the fact I am still sprawled on the floor like a starfish he hugs me back as even he lies beside me.

We both keep on laughing like crazy until our stomach starts to hurt.

"I love you." Turning his face towards me, he captures my lips in a sweet kiss.

I return the kiss while engraving this moment in my mind as I am experiencing two different kinds of love... The love which I have for my man... and the love which is blooming inside my heart for my child.

Currently, with our situation, it is not the right time to have a child. However, after realizing how Adam feels for this baby, I am not worried at all because I know this child will be most loved and cherished to whom we both will give the world.

My eyes fall in my lap while my hand moves to my non-existent bump. Different emotions wash over me but the emotion which dominates every other emotion is protectiveness.I want to protect this baby with every fiber of my being because somewhere I have lived that moment of hopelessness when I found that I was not pregnant. And now when I am, I don't want to risk my happiness."Adam, what are you doing out there?" I yell from inside of the room because I realize it has been more than an hour since Adam has locked me up in the bedroom."Don't come out," He yells back, "Don't come out until I say so."I hear the sound of something falling followed by his curses."What happened?" I walk near the door, but don't open it, "Are you okay?""Yeah, yeah, I am fine," he quickly answers back.Walking back to the bed, and just to kill some boredom I start to braid my hair. I could have used the phone but it is on the charge on the kitchen counter so I am here stuck in the room all by myself."You can come outside now!" Adam opens the door and peaks inside the room with a big excited grin.His excitement is contagious and even though I am not aware of what he has planned, I can't stop myself from feeling excited.Stepping outside the room, I am utterly surprised to see a blanket fort in the middle of the living room."This is so cool." I laugh loudly while clutching Adam's hand."I just wanted to do something special for you, since I am not good at planning dates or anything so I thought you would like a movie night in our fort." He shrugs, running his thumb over my wedding ring, something which he often does whenever we hold hands.It is true we both are really bad at planning anything romantic like dates etc, as we prefer being at home rather than going anywhere."I loved the idea of being in this big fort with my King." Pecking his lips I drag him towards the fort."After you, beautiful." He bows and lifts the corner of the blanket."Thank you, handsome." Winking at him, I carefully crawl inside our little den.I just feel like I have stepped into our own little world. Adam and Hannah's world, which filled with nothing but love and a little bit of magic.Soon a little one will also be a part of this world. However, until then I will cherish these special moments with my husband alone.


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