Alois' Last Day?

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You sat on the wet grass, making your dress also wet. The forest was dark and you could only see a few feet in front of you. You called out, with no reply. You picked yourself up and straightened your dress. You called out again, hearing a faint noise.
You followed it, it sounded muffled and scared. You called out again, finally seeing a light.
One candle was lit, Claude hovered over Alois. Alois struggled to move and get away, the muffled noises coming from him. You yelled out for Claude. He only smirked and turned towards Alois. You couldn't make a noise, he got closer to Alois and-

You woke up.
Horrible nightmare.
You jumped out of bed and pulled on a robe, running down to Alois' room. You burst through the door to see him sleeping. He turned over to face you. "What is it?" He asked as he sat up, the blankets falling, revealing him shirtless.
"I just had a bad dream." You shook your head. He tried to stand but you covered your eyes. "Don't stand up!" He sat back down and covered himself.
"Are you alright?" He concernedly asked.
"Yes. It was just a dream. I'll be okay. I'll leave you to get dressed." You bowed and left his room as went to change also.

Midnight tonight... Were you going to sell your soul for just some guy?
You paced your room, noticing a phone, along with a phone book.
You looked through the book and found the number, a woman answered, "hello this is... Jeannette Flurry... I'm looking for-"
"Oh, sweetie. You don't need to tell me. His new number is (insert phone number here), and I know that voice. I knew you for five years. Goodbye... _____." You sighed and dialled the new number.
A different woman picked up. "Hello?" Rang in your ear.
"Hello. I'm looking for Liam." You said.
"Just a minute." She yelled out the name.
"Hello?" His voice was so wonderful to hear.
"Liam? Liam! It's ____." You said.
"_____? Oh gosh. How are you?"
"I miss you so much." You were almost in tears.
"I've been wanting to talk to you but your mother wouldn't tell me the number." He said.
"I know. I'm so sorry." You said.
"I am too. I have to go, we don't have a lot of money and most of it this month will be going to this call." He said, the sadness in his voice.
"Of course..." You said, his breathing stopped, but he never hung up. "Liam?" He made a noise. "Do you still love me...?"
You heard a sniffle. "No. I can't. Goodbye, _____." He said, hanging up. You put down the phone and leaned against the wall. Slowly sliding down.

Now that that was off your back you stood up and wiped your tears. Why cry over something that won't cry over you? You stood up and went straight outside to Alois. "Alois? Where is Claude?" You demanded.
"Claude? I sent him out for the day for stuff, we won't be back until maybe midnight!" Alois joked. "After all, this is out wedding. It will be perfection!" He came closer to you. "Just like you, ____."
You had never even kissed this guy.
Now was a great time.
You pulled his face down to yours and kissed him, not letting him pull back, but holding him there, like it was the first and last kiss you'd ever have.
After letting him go, he stood there in awe. You bowed to him and went back inside, to figure out a plan.

You paced your room. You had two hours and Claude wasn't back yet. He could come take Alois and bring him further away without you knowing.
Yep, let's go chat with Alois.
You marched into his study and he smiled and stood up as you walked in.
"I thought you would be sleeping." He stated. You shook your head and stared violently at him and he awkwardly sat down and went back to work.

One hour. Claude wasn't back yet. Alois was still right in front if you, probably a little creeped out by you.
You were getting impatient.

The doors of the manor opened, you could hear it. You jumped up and went to open the study door, then deciding not to risk it by leaving Alois alone. Instead you stood closer to Alois. You could've just sat in his lap.

Claude had not come upstairs. You took Alois' hand and pulled him across the study. "We have to find Claude." You whispered to him.
"Okay, why don't I just call him?"
"No." You stated.
"Okay, well split up?"
"No! You have to stay with me. Let's go." You held his hand tight, searching the halls for a tall, slim, butler.

Five minutes to go.
But could be take Alois if you still had him?
He is a demon...
"Call Claude." You said to Alois. He nodded.
"Claude! Come here!" He yelled through the manor and Claude was instantly there. He smiled devilishly at you.
"Have you made a decision ____?"
"Yes. I want to make a contract."
"Please, tell me more." He said. "Every detail, you have three minutes before I take him." So it's 11:57.
"I will give you my soul if you allow Alois Trancy and I live a happy and beautiful life together and-"
"Two more minutes."
"You can't take his soul or mine until we both say we are ready, at that time you can-"
"One more minute."
"Take both our souls."
"That's it?"
"That's it."
"You have yourself a deal. Now where do you want the seal?" He asked. "Oh, it might hurt, just a lot."
"Where Alois has his." You implied, turning to face him. He stood with his jaw dropped and staring at you, his eyes watery. "I told you, I got this." You told him. He nodded and Claude came closer.
The last thing you felt was pain.

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