The Truth Comes Out

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It's been three weeks since Eric and Ella were hired and four weeks (pretty much a month) since you had left for you honeymoon. So, in fact, you are-
"_____!" Alois yelled, knocking you out of your daydream.
You still hang told him that you were-
"____, I'm trying to tell a story here!" You sighed. You were too distracted by the fact that-
"Ugh! What is wrong? You usually always love to hear my stories..." Alois said.
"I'm sorry." You said.
"Are you mad at me or something?" He asked. You shook your head. "Then what is it?"
"I guess I have to tell you. I..." You paused, you thought it would be so much easier! "I'm-" Ella ran into the room.
"Help me! Hercules took my dolly and won't give it back! He'll rip it to shreds!" She exclaimed, her face was wet with tears and her nose was runny.
"Tell me later, I'll go help Ella." Alois stated as he stood up and kissed your forehead. Once again you sighed.
You had to tell him.
Alois came back a few minutes later and sat down next to you. He smiled. You smiled back. "Okay, seriously tell me what's wrong."
"Nothing's wrong!" You said.
"Then why are you acting weird?"
"Because I'm pregnant!" You yelled, realizing that it was not the way you wanted to tell him. His jaw dropped and he stared at you.
"I saw it coming but I never knew it would happen like this. I mean-" he pushed his hair back and smiled. He just looked at you and then gave you a big hug.

Later that day you went over to visit Ciel to tell him the news and it turned out to be a disaster. So here's how it went:
You stepped out of the carriage with the help of Alois and silently walked to Ciel's manor holding hands. Alois was grinning like a freak and you were anxious.
Sebastian opened the door and you smiled. He invited you in and then brought you to the den, where Ciel soon came in too.
He sat down and looked at you. "Is there something you need?" He asked.
"No!" You exclaimed.
"We need to tell you something." Alois grinned.
"Well what is it? I need to get back to work and Arielle will be back tomorrow from visiting her parents so we need to get ready."
"Well... It's... Um... I'm pregnant." You said, shifting in your seat slightly.
"Alois, what the hell did you do to her?" Ciel stood up in denial.
"Ciel, we are married!" Alois argued.
"So! That doesn't give you the right to do nasty unwanted things to her!" Ciel yelled.
"Who says they were unwanted?" Alois pointed out.
"I do! She is my baby cousin and she would never do anything like that!"
"Well obviously she did because she's pregnant." Alois stated.
"Shut your mouth, Alois!" Ciel yelled.
"Not like you can stop me." Alois said.
"You guys stop. You guys are sort of related now. You're going to be seeing a lot of each other so stop fighting! And Ciel why can't you ever be happy?" You said. You stood up and sighed. "Let's go home Alois." Alois nodded and followed you out the door.

The carriage ride home was fairly silent. "Are we not talking now?" Alois spoke, finally breaking the silence.
"I don't know, are we?"
"You're mad."
"No, I'm pretty sure I'm ____." You said sarcastically.
"No need for the sarcastic remarks." He stated as he leaned back and looked out the window. "I don't know why you're mad at me anyway."
"I'm mad at you because you argued with Ciel. Couldn't you have just dropped it and moved on?"
"No!" Alois stated as the carriage pulled up to the manor.
"Whatever." You said, jumping out of the carriage and walking inside, not bothering to look behind you.
You went straight to your art room, which was bare, but had a lock in which you only had the key for. You sat down on the floor and stared at the sunset through the window.
You felt tiny bits of wet prickles fall down your cheeks and you wiped them off and sniffed.
Your vision was blurry but you stood up and wobbled out the door. You started walking to the bedroom to rest when you suddenly felt nauseous. You covered your mouth and ran to the nearest bathroom.
When you exited you made your way to the room to find a piece of paper sitting on the bed. You picked it up.

Dear ____,
I just want to assure you that I am not leaving you. I just went to the store to get you medicine. I'm not sure if it can help your morning sickness but the least I can do is try.
Love, Alois.

You smiled at the note and knew that he was still there for you. You changed into your pyjamas and let yourself fall asleep.

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