The Note

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After leaving Alois' room, you took out the note that Claude had given you.

Dear _____,
As you know, I am Claude, Alois' butler. I am aware that you know I am a demon. I do need to speak with you.
Please meet me in the garden after dinner this evening.
Claude Faustus

You folded up the paper and tucked it away. You proceeded down the hall and turned into your art room. You gazed at the picture of the tulip. You had decided that you wanted to go see Claude, he was mysterious and you wanted to know him more.

Later that night after supper, you went out into the garden. The sun was setting and the sky was pink and purple. You sat down on a bench waiting for Claude.
He appeared out of the shadows, literally from nowhere. "Miss _____, thank you for coming out here."
"What did you need to talk to me about?" You asked very quietly.
"I want to make a contract with you." That's what they were taking about earlier, making a contract.
"Why? I don't need help in any thing. I'm perfectly happy with Alois. Sure I don't know him very well but that's what I'm here for." You stated.
"You know as soon as he is fully happy I can take his soul, leaving you alone forever." He said as he pushed his glasses up.
"What?! You can't do that!"
"It's the rules of the contract my dear."
"Well... What if I made a contract with you... Where you can't touch Alois until I'm done with him?"
"Done with him?"
"I've known him for a day. I can't say I love him yet!"
"But what if you do fall in love with him? What if you falls in love with you too and I take him away?"
"Claude?!" Alois was approaching you two.
"I'll let you think about it, you have a day before the wedding. Yes, your highness?" He turned to Alois.
Alois huffed. "Go back inside and clean or something. ____ and I are going for a walk."
Claude left you alone with Alois, you two walked down a stone path. "So are you liking it here?"
"I love it here. It feels like home... And the food is heaven."
"Are you into sweets?"
"Yes, just like Ciel. Sweets are the best." You sighed, taking in the fresh air.
"Hannah!" Alois yelled. The maid came running from inside and stopped and bowed to Alois. "Go make _____ a parfait."
"Yes, your highness." He scurried away and Alois sat down on the grass. He patted a spot next to him and you sat down also.
"I hope you really like it here. Tomorrow, why don't we go to the beach? We can stop in town and get you a bathing suit."
"That would be lovely!" You said.
"Great." Hannah came back holding a parfait for you. She passed it to you, bowed and ran back inside.

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