Prologue: A Prophecy Intercepted

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"It has been observed that within our beloved Kingdom of Noelle, a problem has arisen concerning the homeless and orphaned multiplying in number... all who are presumed to be homeless and/or orphaned will be immediately taken into custody and sold as Slaves in the next scheduled Slave Auction."

During the passed three hundred fifty years, since Gerardo of Liko was last heard of, the Kingdom of Noelle had thrived and gone through a number of extreme changes; some of which included art, food, morale, literature, currency (so that it was less confusing), and especially law. The country now had become very wealthy with markets in gold, silk, and cotton. The fashion was more colorful and the architecture was more shapely with geometric and floral designs. But after roughly three hundred years, an end was arising to this period and a medieval era was slowly underway.

The towns were now built of wood and adobe, with streets of stone and had increased in size and population. Aqueducts ran through each one, so drought was now rare. And as it is normal for technology to develop in a different order and speed on a different world, it is understandable how plumbing was invented immediately following the aqueduct. Unfortunately, the plumbing lines were only in the process of being built, so there were still wells in every town and in the backyards of the especially wealthy.

The palace of the Kingdom of Noelle was gorgeous, especially in the sunny weather the Noellites had on Malla 35, 836 (April 17). The sunlight reflected off the dome towers and the sea breeze blew through the windows into the king and queen's bedchamber. The queen stirred under her satin bed sheets before she finally opened her violet eyes. It was clear by the look on her tanned face that she was disturbed. She glanced over at her husband who was still asleep and she decided not to wake him. Instead, she carefully got out of bed and wrapped herself in a white, silk robe. Then she sat at her silver vanity and brushed her bright pink locks as she watched herself in the mirror. If only she could get that disturbing dream out of her mind.

"Up so early, Ariana?" asked the king.

Queen Ariana jumped at the sudden sound of her husband's voice. "You startled me, Darren," she said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, Dear," replied King Darren. "How did you sleep?"

"Fair, I suppose. Yourself?" Ariana went back to messing with her hair.

"I slept wonderfully." Darren got out of bed and stretched his bulky body. "And I had the most fantastic dream. So realistic and so beautiful."

"Really?" Ariana asked, interested. "What was it about?"

"Well, the setting was today and we were both in the throne room. Suddenly, the guards escorted in this man with an adorable little girl of about ten years old. The man told us that he bought her from the market and that he thought we'd like to have her work for us, and oh – I could see her so clearly!"

The smile on the queen's face slowly vanished as the king continued to explain his dream to her.

"She had beautiful crimson hair, bright blue eyes, and glowing skin as white as a pearl. And her lips were so luscious and bright red. Such a lovely child. She said her name was – "

"Nadia," the queen finished for him. There was a look of concern on her face. "She said her parents had died and we agreed to let her stay with us. In the end, she married the heir to the throne."

King Darren looked at her in astonishment. "How did you know?"

"I had the same dream. So vivid, I remember everything."

There was a moment of silence before the king asked, "Do you think there's something more to this dream?"

Ariana hoped not. "I'm not sure."

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