Part 9

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I woke up and I felt so sick. My head was pounding and everything was aching and sore. I feel vomit start coming up so I try and get out of bed but i feel. I was apparently too weak to stand

"Mom!" I yelled as I curled into a ball on the floor "mom!" I yelled louder as Chris ran in

"Tosca what's wrong" he asks as he kneels beside me

"I felt so sick and I got up to puke and I'm too weak to stand" I tell him as he picks me up and places me in my bed.

"Your really pale" he tells me as he places his hand on my forehead "Your really hot we should probably take you to the hospital" he tells me and I nod

"I... I'm really hot I need to change" I tell him

"I'll call kian" he says as he goes to walk out of the room

"Chris, please just help me so we can leave faster" I say as he nods. He goes to my closet and comes out with a pair of yoga shorts and a red Magcon sweater

"Uh this is weird" he says as he walks towards me

"Chris just take off my clothe first the put in the other ones" I order as he slides off my tank top then my tights leaving me in my undergarments. He then puts on my new outfit and slides on some ankle socks and my unicorn slippers

"Craw!" Chris yells as Craw walks in

"Wow Tosca you look really sick" he says

"She is. I start the car and leave the front door open so I can carry her down" Chris orders as craw listens to the instructions "okay I'm gonna pick you up on three" he tells me and I nod "one, two, three" he says as he picks me up bridal style. I wrap my arms around his neck and rest my head in his chest.

He carried me to the car then say in the back seat with me

"You should call Kian and the guys" craw says. My head starts to get light then I black out.

^^unknown amount of time later^^

I woke up in a white room and I could hear beeping noises. I see kian in a chair next to me gripping my hand

"Kian" I whisper as he moves a little "kian" I say a little louder. He quickly pops up then sees me. He gets up and hugs me tight

"I missed you so much" he says as he kisses me

"How long was I sleeping" I ask

"12 hours, but I really missed you" he tells me making me laugh

"What happened" I ask

"You had this 12 hour flu and it hit you hard" he tells me as the jacks, sammy, Chris and craw walk in

"Thanks Chris" I say as they all hug me

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