Part 17

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"Thank you sammy" I say as we drive

"No problem" he replies as he grabs my hand "wanna come watch movies?" He asks and I nod. When he get to his house we got out of the car when Gilinsky stormed out

"What the fuck man?!" He yells as he punches Sammy and they start fighting


"Jack stop" I yell as I try to pull them apart but I wasn't strong enough

"Nate! Jj!" I yell and few moments the run out. They see G and Sammy then separate them

"What the fuck are you guys doing?!" Jj yells at them

"He fucking knows I live T and he takes her on a date and I have to find out threw Twitter because there a bunch of pictures of them kissing and holding hands! Like he didn't even fucking ask me!" G yells making me mad. I walk up to him and smack him hard. Really hard.

"It doesn't matter because you had your chance and you don't fucking own me! I can do what I want so stop acting like you fucking own me!" I yell as I go to sammy and grab his hand "fuck you g" I say as I bring sammy inside. We go to his room then I take him into the bathroom to help him clean up.

I cleaned his cutt and he just looked at me and smiled "what?" I ask as we walk back into his room

"It was kinda cool how you flipped on G" he says making me laugh

"Thanks" I say "do you have jogging pants I can borrow?" I ask and he nods. He passes me some jogging pants and I quickly put them on. I was left in jogging pants and my crop top.

"Wanna watch in the living room?" He asks and I nod. We go downstairs to the living room and join Nate and Jj who where watching Saw. I was on Sammys lap cuddled up to him because I don't like horror movies. The way he had his arms protectively around me made me felt safe.

Gilinsky came down a few times but he just went to the kitchen and walked back upstairs without saying a word.

^^the next morning^^

I woke up and I was sleeping on Sammys chest. I looked around and saw we where on the couch. I got up and went to the kitchen to see G sitting at the island alone

"Hey" i say quietly

"Hey" he says. We stay in awkward silence well I make bacon and eggs "I'm sorry about yesterday. I over reacted and I shouldn't have done that and I deserved you slapping me" he apologizes

"It's okay but you really need to apologize to Sammy" I reply and he nods as the rest of the guys walk in

"Sammy I'm so sorry! I'm nothing without you! Please forgive me! I love you!" G yells as he hugs Sammys feet making us all laugh

"I love you too" he says as they hug then start grinding on each other

"You guys seriously have to make everything sexual" I say as I bite a piece of bacon

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