Part 26

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I was at my house packing more stuff. It was around 1am. I was still scared from last night. He said he was going to come back

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom I'll be right back" g says as he leaves my room and closes the door behind him. As I was packing I I saw a guy peeking in my window. I screamed and ran too the door but it was locked. It was like Craws. They must have turned it around like how they did yesterday. That must have been him.

"Jack!" I scream as I hear people running down the stairs then the door nob was wiggled "Jack" I scream again as the door is unlocked and G, Jj, Sammy, Nate, Chris, craw and Alaska apear in my room. I jump into Gs arms

"What's wrong?" He asks

"Their here. Their in the house" I say and everyone looks at me

"Who's here?" He asks

"the guys from yesterday. Someone was pecking in my window and I tried to open the door and it was locked and the door nob was turned around" I reply

"That doesn't mean their here" g says as he rubs my back

"Yes it does. It wasn't turned around yesterday and who locked it. As soon as I screamed the guy left. They have too be in the house" I yell and they all look at me

"Fuck" g says as he grabs my hand and we all leave. We look at every door handle and they where all turned around but the one too Alaskas room. Everyone went in then closed the door.

"Someone call the cops" Alaska says as I see her start crying

"Already am" Jj says but then puts his phone down "theirs no signal" he says and we all look in our pockets. No one had their phones

"Megan if they get in here" I say as I start crying. All of a sudden their was banging on the door. G instantly grabbed me and hugged me when all of a sudden the power went out

"We know your in there" a voice said. It sounded like the guy from yesterday

"We told you not too call the cops" another voice said

"Now we came back just like we said and now we get too have fun Tosca" he says and I start crying as G tightens his grip around me.

"The window" g listens just loud enough so where the only ones to hear. We all quietly go to the window. We where in the basement so it wasn't a big window. It went Jj, Chris, Sammy, me, Alaska, Crawford, Nate then g.

"Where do we go?" Craw asks as we all start to panic as we hear Alaskas room door open

"o2l house. It's only five minutes away!" I say as we all start running. G was right beside me. I looked back and saw those two guys climbing out the window. We went into the middle of the road and continued running. After what seems like forever we finally get there. We all start banging on the door. We hear foot steps then the door opened. We all stumbled in and saw all the O2L guys looking at us in confusion

"Yesterday someone broke it too their house and they threaten to rape Tosca and they said don't call the cops or they'll be back then they where at their house and we where hiding and Jjs phone had no signal and no one else had theirs and the one guys said they where back and that they where going to have fun with Tosca so we jumped out the window" g quickly explains as Jc locks the front door

"Shit are you guys okay?" Sam asks

"Just call the fucking cops" Alaska says from her spot where she was hugging Nate. Connor nodded then went into the kitchen

"Sit down" Ricky said as he pushed Trevor off the couch. We went over and sat down. I stayed in Gilinsky's lap. I was still really scared

"Their going have someone check your house and around the neighbour hood then someone's going to come here and talk too you guys" Connor explains and we all nod. We all sat there in a awkward silence until their was a knock on the door

"LAPD open the door" a voice said as kian opened the door and a male and female officer walked in

"I'm officer Jen and this is officer Leo" the female officer explains "so who was at the house?" She asks and me, Chris, craw, Alaska, Nate, Sammy and the jacks raise our hands "what's your names?" She asks and we all give her our names and she writes them down "and why did you come here?" She asks

"Their friends" I reply and she nod and takes their names and also writes it all down

"Who was on the phone?" She asks and Connor raises his hand. She asked up a bunch of more questions and got descriptions from all of us "where have you been staying?" She asks

"Last night we slept and Sammy, Nate and the jacks house and we where going to stay their until we found a new place to live" I explain

"Well we haven't found the two men yet so where going to get you guys to stay at a pent house. Will need two of you too go to the houses and get your stuff" she says

"I can go to ours" Nate volunteers and the officer nods

"I'll go to ours" Chris says and she nods again. Chris and Nate leave with a cop then the other cop takes us too the hotel

"For the investigation you'll be staying here in a pent house and The rooms paid for but you have to pay for your own food and all that. We are going to ask you to try and stay here and because of your high social status will have a security guard outside your door. If you need to go back for anything tell him and he'll call me. I'll leave my number with you guys incase anything happens" she explains and we all nod "officer Leo will be back with your stuff and your two friends" she says and we all nod and then she leaves.

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