1 - The X Family

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"Woooooooow" JoeX said. "WHAT WOW, I FED THE DOG DIDN'T I" ConneX yelled very loudly. "Weeeell, you did feed him", "I am glad you understand that I did", "buuuut, you fed him chocolate and fudge". The kitchen was silent for a few seconds. "Ooohhh, well, why is that bad?" ConneX asked. "Dogs are allergic to chocolate and fudge" JoeX said with no emotion...at all. "WE HAVE TO GET HIM TO THE VET!" ConneX yelled. "Dude, his dead". "Oh, never mind then...we must bury him!". They started dragging the dog.

Soon, JoeX and ConneX where looking at the dog on the lawn. "MUM, DAD, FUNERAL!" ConneX yelled looking at their parents window. A few minutes later their mum and dad arrived in the suits. "You killed the dog...again" Dad said". "Yeah, ConneX fed him chocolate and fudge" JoeX said in a Mexican accent because his parents thought he was Mexican...when he looked Asain. "*sigh* OK, stand back" Mum said and suddenly her hands started to create a green aura and then she put her hands in the dogs belly. "WOOOOOOF, YOU FED ME CHOCOLATE, AND FUDGE, YOU KNOW WHAT DAT DOES TO DOGS?! ESPECIALLY ME?! JASPER THE AWESOME DAWG!" The dog said in an African-American gangster accent because that's the voice he chose...like Eddie Grifin...but his not a gangster.

A few seconds later ConneX had a black eye and Dad said "OH MY GOD, I AM LATE FOR WORK! I'll see you both later, bye honey!". Dad quickly went upstairs, changed into his business suit, and flew out the window. "OK CHILDREN! Have a nice day at school!" Mum said and then JoeX went "Aawwwwwww hell na, I am not goin to school on a holiday! I want to go to my room!". "Oh, it's a holiday?" Mum asked. JoeX and ConneX gave each other a wink and ConneX said "yes, it is, now can we go play some COD?". JoeX smiled and ConneX had a weird look on his face because Mum was staring at him like she wanted to kill him. "COD? Isn't that a little too old for you?!". "Uuhhhhmmmm, no, it's a pegi 7". Then Mum changed a stare into a weird look. ConneX and Mum where staring at each other with weird looks. Then suddenly JoeX and ConneX exchanged expressions. JoeX was weirded out by the fact that he didn't know what was going on, and ConneX smiled because he was trying to make his lie convincing. "............OKEY DOKEY!" Mum finally said. "I WILL RACE YOU UP THE STAIRS BRO?" JoeX yelled.

Mum said "GET READY FOR THE RACE...START YOUR ENGINES, READY, SET....................BANANAS!". They both ran up the stairs and JoeX won. ConneX had an angry look on his face. "NO FAIR, YOUR OLDER THAN ME SO THAT MEANS YOU HAVE BEEN RUNNING MORE THAN ME!". "Exactly" JoeX said in his normal voice. "You cheated?" ConneX asked. "...no...I am older, you just said that I am..." JoeX confusingly said. "NO I DID NOT, I AM PLAYING COD...YOU?". "Stop shouting...and yes".

JoeX won most of every game they had. ConneX went and rage quitted. JoeX laughed and said "WE HAVE ONE MORE GAME!". ConneX turned around, squinting, and he said "Your...ooon!". They played Diablo III in the brawl area with both their level 70 characters. ConneX was almost winning until JoeX used a potion and won. "NO FAIR, YOU USED A POTION, I HAVE NO POTIONS...NO FAIR!" ConneX very angrily said. "You gonna rage quit again bro?". ConneX stared at him squinting for a full minute without blinking and then he said "I'm...going...to...school!". The room went silent for a long period of time.

10 minuets later, the room was still silent. Finally, ConneX said "..................heyup" and he raced to his bicycle. Then JoeX said "...ain't nobody wanna mess with me!" in his family Mexican accent and raced ConneX to the bicycle. ConneX actually won. "H...h-how, I never lose!" JoeX sarcastically said. "Do I hear a loser?" ConneX said. JoeX said "yes, you hear a loser, now I'm going to go on my hoverboard to school" JoeX said again, sarcastically. "HAHAHAHA, YOU LOST FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVER!...wait...hoverboard?...oh". ConneX saw JoeX go out the garage on his hoverboard and hovered off. JoeX left a trail of fire and electric because his special power was fire and electric. ConneX said "it's a race you want...its a race you won't get because I'll lose!". ConneX started to ride his bicycle but was very slow and his wheels had little drops of water coming off them because his special power was water and ice.

School was about 27 metres away and JoeX was there. School was open 24/7, you could go anytime but stay for 6 hours. You needed to go 200 times in total each year so you could have a holiday whenever you want and if you go less than 200 times...full year of school, no holidays.

ConneX arrived at school 4 minutes after JoeX and JoeX was waiting for him in the school hall. "OMG, where were yoouu!?" JoeX said in a teenage 'on phone 24/7' girl accent. "I WAS ON MY BIKE!!!" ConneX yelled. "Oh yeah". The bell rang so they both went to science. "HELLO CLASS" the teacher Mr Science Man said. "Today, we are learning how to revive a dead mouse! FIRST OF ALL! You have to get a reality holographic simulation...thing...download Pokémon, AND STEAL DAT REVIVE!...class dismissed". Everyone ran out of class, strait to family appreciation class (it was family appreciation day). Mum, Dad, and Roxy was there. JoeX yelled in his normal voice "ROXY...I mean...Roxy man, why are you here, my Mexican brain tells me that you were sent to boarding school!" then Roxy replied "well, it's family appreciation day and I Mum and Dad thought I was good enough to come here...AND STAY!". Roxy was always mean to JoeX, even though she was younger than him. She made him cry, shout uncle, and pulled very funny pranks on him. After Roxy said her sentence, JoeX's eyes widened and he slowly walked to his desk with him looking like he just saw a ghost. Mum said "and why did you say it was a holiday young man?!?!" but JoeX didn't reply because his mouth was wide open and stuck due to his mean sister being there.

In the class, there was a family tree's of everyone to laugh at on the walls, there was cake, and there was also public hugs and kisses from your family. The class was over, everyone was laughing while JoeX's eyes were still wide. He finally said something in a very squeaky and quiet voice. "She...sh-she..." and then he shouted "SHE IS STAYING?!!". "It's alright, calm down, she might have changed ya know" ConneX said in a relaxing voice. "CHANGED?! HA! She never changes" JoeX said in a crazy voice and in a crazy face. Roxy walked out of the room with a piece of cake on a plate. "HEY BRO, you didn't eat your cake! Here you goooo". Roxy held out the plate of cake and JoeX stare at it very shocked. "eeeeeeeeehhh, thanks I feel like eating cake" JoeX said. He grabbed the cake and took a bite out of it. His tooth cracked. "HA, THE CAKE IS ROCKY ROAD!!! WITH EXTRA ROCK!" Roxy yelled. JoeX said in a whimpering voice "I thought Rocky Road was ice-cream". "oh, well...IT IS MY NEW INVENTION! THE ROXY ROAD CAKE!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!" Roxy said in a menacing voice.

"OK, open your mouth and let me take a look at your tooth" the dentist said in a very calming voice. "JoeX opened his mouth and the dentist saw the crack. "I am sorry JoeX, but this is unfixable, I have to knock the crack out!" the dentist said while picking up a massive iron mallet. "waaaa". The dentist took a step back and charged for the crack in the tooth. The next thing JoeX was doing was choking on a bit if tooth. "There you go, hehe, your tooth looks like a vampires tooth, but smaller..." the dentist said in a derpy voice. JoeX managed to swallow the tooth and said in a whispering voice "cool".

JoeX went home to see his mum and he said in his Mexican voice "Mum, could you heal my throat, it hurts". "Ok" Mum replied. After that he felt better and went to class. It was PE. "YEEEEES! PE!" JoeX yelled. "ima die" ConneX whimpered. The Coach said "ALRIGHT! PARKOUR DAY!". Parkour was JoeX's favourite activity. You had to jump on high, far apart platforms without stopping so you had to run. Due to the platforms being very high it had trampolines on the floor for when you fall. You had to push each other off the platforms if you catch an opposite team member. When all of the opponents are knocked off, your team wins. JoeX was unstoppable, he was very fast at jumping on platforms and very good at bashing into others. The only thing stopping him now was Roxy, she played dirty. "JOEX, ROXY, YOUR THE TEAM CAPTAINS!". "eeeeeeerrrrrr".

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