9 - Reunited

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Bobby and Gunther were asleep during this tragedy. They were still on the wings of the plane, but finally awakened. Gunther woke up yelling "I DON K-NOW WHER THE YOGURT WENT!!!" while Bobby woke up saying "YOU SHOULD COS I ATE IT!!!". They both stared at each other after this and rolled off the planes wings. Gunther asked Bobby "wher is weh?". Bobby replied "YOGURT!!!!!!!!!!!". Bobby got up and fell back down because he was confused were he was. Gunther asked "wot wong?". Bobby yelled "meh neva gon on playn B-4!". Gunther's face scrunched up, telling Bobby he was confused. Both of them were confused now, and they didn't know where to go. Bobby screamed and Gunther jumped. Gunther yelled "WHY YU DOO DA!". Bobby said in a posh accent "the last thing I remember is the fact that we were jumping on the plane that Cookie conjured". Gunther laughed and also said in a posh accent "well then, it was jolly good that we survived that preposterous plane. I think my snout went inside my nose from the air resistance rushing into my face. I couldn't hang onto that plane and it was very hard work to hold onto the thing, that I forgot about the trip. All I remember is that I was watching the plane fly away and someone released some smelly gas from there bum!". Bobby and Gunther both laughed and rolled around.

Meanwhile, back at 'the scene', Shadow was about to take the girls powers. He yelled "YOU HAVE POWERFUL POWERS! But they are not as strong as my powers! Annelsa smirked and said "maybe we don't need to use our powers!". Roxy got up quickly and kicked Shadow in the sensitive spot. Shadow squealed as Dash got up and kicked him in the face. Shadow fell, unconscious. ConneX yelled "WE DEFEATED A BOSS!". Everyone jumped up and yelled "YAAAAY!". Shadow sat up swiftly and yelled "YOGURT!!!" and then fell back down. Everyone stared at him.... Maikeru said "sooooo...eh?". Roxy yelled "OH YEAH! We need to make him remember who he is!". Roxy tied Shadow to a tree and ConneX threw a bucket of water at his head while sobbing. Shadow woke up with a banging headache and yelled "WHAT AM I DOING HERE!!!". Cookie conjured a picture of him and his friends that had stab marks in it. She showed him it and told him "this is you! When you were 8! You had medium hair and your name was JoeX!". Shadow said "I've never heard of the name JoeX!".

Maikeru yelled "LET US GIVE HIM MY SECRET RECIPE FOR THE SPICIEST TACO IN WORLD!". Shadow quickly phased through the rope and Maikeru shoved a taco in his mouth. Shadow laughed and said "I am immune to spices! Also sour things...BUT YOU CANNOT MAKE ME TALK BECAUSE I DO NOT REMEMBER WHO JOEX IS!". ConneX yelled "WE HAVE TO MAKE HIM REMEMBER!". ConneX quickly took out a picture of him and JoeX getting beat up by Roxy. Roxy laughed and said "I can't stop laughing every time I see that picture!". Shadow yelled "WELL WHY DON'T YOU GET MY FIST IN YOUR FACE THEN ROXY!". Shadow aimed for a punch and Roxy kicked him in the spot again. Shadow squealed again and she said "well, I think he remembers a little". Cookie asked "how can you tell?". Roxy replied "why would he get angry at me when he thinks he is not JoeX". ConneX said "yeaaah. I MADE HIM REMEMBER, I CAN DO IT AGAIN!". Dash yelled "I WANT TO MAKE HIM REMEMBER TOO! TAKE TURNS!". Dash did some jujitsu moves he made up and only showed his friends. Shadow widened his eyes.

Shadow derped and then it was Maikeru's turn. He showed his his sombrero hat he made from scratch. Shadow started seeping more. Annelsa yelled "I THINK JOEX IS COMING BACK! I SHALL HELP HIM ASAP!". Annelsa smacked Shadow in the face using her powers and he suddenly remembered everything. He went unconscious after this and they all yelled "WE DID IT!". ConneX tested if he got his powers back but all he did was accidentally punch Maikeru in the face. ConneX sighed while Maikeru cried (RHYMING BEAST). Dash said "I guess we're not power-people anymore". Annelsa yelled "POWER-PEOPLE MUST HAVE POWERS! YOU WILL GAIN OTHERS!". Maikeru said in a sassy accent "oh hell nah. I do NOT think that will happen...eh". Annelsa said "it will...ya know I explained this before. You can't get your old powers back. You guys are such big dummies".

PowerDemon was at the other side of Africa now. He stole another power, mechanics, which made him control any mechanical machine within the area. He said "this isn't enough...I WANT MORE POWER!". He called in Shadow because he could steal powers a lot faster that PowerDemon could, however, Shadow didn't answer. He called him in again and realised Shadow was ignoring him. PowerDemon looked surprised. He said "he is supposed to do my bidding. WHY IS HE NOT ANSWERING MY CALLS!". He looked at a device to tell where Shadow was. It was called a Hell GPS. He started to run in his direction.

Back at the little spot where the the jogging of the memory was, Bobby and Gunther arived, rolling to them. ConneX yelled "BOBBY!?". He ran towards Bobby and hugged him. ConneX yelled "YOU ARE THE ONLY THING THAT I WANTED TO SEE TODAY! Though including JoeX". Gunther asked Bobby "wer ihsh JoeX?". Bobby replied "doo not no!". ConneX looked at Gunther, he was sad. ConneX said to Gunther "oh right, JoeX. Yeeeeaaaah, he is right over there" with no emotion. He pointed to JoeX and Gunther ran towards him. He licked his face and he woke up. JoeX yelled "GUNTHER!" JoeX's hair was still long and he was still a bit taller. However, his skin was his normal colour and his clothes we normal, not black and dark red evil clothes, they were black and dark red normal clothes.

After a few minutes of the reunion, JoeX realised his hair was a mess. He said "eh, I'll cut it, so it will grow back awesomely". He walked to the water, conjured large black and red barber scissors out of thick shadows, and took 2 hours of his time, and everyone's time, to cut his hair, nice, short, and spiked up like a boss. Dash said "I don't like short hair, I like mine long". Maikeru said "eh? I do not get you! You had short epic hair in primary school!". Cookie yelled "LET'S NOT TALK ABOUT HAIR! Let's talk about HOW WE CAN STOP LAMODEMON!".

Everyone thought about how they were going to defeat LamoDemon...they now call him that because they think his lame.

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