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It was the next day morning. Taehyung woke up by the sound of loud shouts outside his room. He frowned still his eyes closed. He then slowly opened them squinting for a minute to get used to the morning light. He looked at his side and frowned when he couldn't see his mate. He stood up from the bed and went to the door from where the yells where heared. He opened it only to see yuri and jungi yelling at each other.
"Ugh....babies why are you two yelling at each other." Taehyung asked rubbing his eyes to clear his vision. Hr then looked at the two kids who where now looking at him.
"Mommy this guy wanted to wake you up and i stopped him." Yuri said making taehyung to look at her questioningly.
"Cupcake why did you stop jungi from waking me up. Wasn't it good to wake me up when he is here?" Taehyung asked and yuri pouted at her mommy.
"But mommy. I thought you where tired and i wanted to wake you up not him." The 8 year old girl whined. Taehyung smiled at her possessiveness which resembled him of a certain some one. He then turned to jugsoo who was looking up at him with sparkling eyes.
"Hey jungi, missed mommy taetae hmm" he asked making the little boy to nod his head vigorously.
"Yes. I missed you so much mommy." He said and hugged taehyungs leg making the omega to coo at him and ruffle his hair. Yuri who was watching this clicked her tongue. She hated it when the boy called her mommy as his. She wanted her mommy all to herself. She un wrapped jungi's arms around taehyung making the boy pout.
"Mommy, daddy and uncle's are waiting downstairs. Can we go?" She asked and taehyung nodded.
"I will be there soon baby. Just have to freshen up. You two go down ok and don't fight each other." They omega said to the kids a warning tone in the last part.

Taehyung was finished with his morning routine. He then went down to the living room to see all his hyungs there. It was like a family reunion for him. Namjoon and jin where present with there son hajoon. Jimin had came with jungsoo while jhope and yeonjun followed. As the omega approached them all of them smiled at him. He greeted them with good mornings and went inside the kitchen to have his breakfast. He entered the kitchen and saw his mate making something,his back turned to him. Taehyung slowly walked towards his mate and slipped inbetween his arms. Jungkook was surprised of his mates sudden move but soon smiled fondly at him.
"Goid morning baby..." jungkook said and pecked taehyungs lips making the omega giggle.
"Morning kookie..." he greeted back and wrapped his arms around his mate snuggling to his chest.
"What are you making?" He saked and jungkook chuckled.
"I am making some pancakes for my favourite person in the world." He said and taehyung giggled.
"Oh so can that person have them now." He asked making both of them to burst out laughing.
"Here you go baby. Eat well ok" jungkook have taehyung the food. He then picked him and placed him on the kitchen counter. Taehyung gasped at the truebloods sudden movement.
"Kookie why here? We can have this in the dining." Taehyung said tilting his head and looking at jungkook who groaned seeing him.
"Baby there are guests you know. I want you to have your breakfast while i have mine." He said and started to kiss taehyung who kissed back. Taehyung broke the kiss soon and started to eat his pancakes.
"When did they all came kookie?" He asked to jungkook who shrugged his shoulders.
"When i came down this morning i saw namjoon hyung and jin hyung already inside the house because they have the spare key. After that jimin came with jungsoo and then jhope and yeonjun came." He said and taehyung nodded.
"Do you know why all of a sudden they are here?" Taehyung asked making jungkook shook his head.
"No baby. They didn't tell me. They told me to wait for you to wake up and then they can talk." He said and taehyung nodded.
"Ok..." the omega said and continued to eat his pancakes sitting hself on the counter top. Jungkook stood besides his mate wiping his mouth wirh napkin and sometimes fewding him. Soon taehyung finished his food and walked to his hyungs who where waiting for them. He sat on the couch with jungkook besides him.
"What are you here for hyungies?" Taehyung asked to his hyungs making all of them smile at the omega.
"Actually tae we haven't hung out together after hajoon's birthday. So we thought of crashing here and having a family get together."jin said making taehyung to smile wide.
"Oh so we are having fun all day." The omega asked jumping in his seat like an excited child.
"Yes baby we are" jungkook said ruffling his mates hair. Taehyung squealed.
"Ok then lets start. First we can have an outing in the park then we can have lunch outside and then we can have a movie marathon and then we can play games and then......" taehyung started rambling but was cut off when jin burst out laughing.
"Oh my god taehyungie we are all here so don't rush. We can have as much fun as you want ok. Just tell us what do you want to do first." Namjoon said making taehyung to smile sheepishly.
"Ook.so can we all go to the park first."the omega asked to his hyungs. All of them nodded instantly making him to laugh out loud.
"Yeah then lets go. I am going to get ready ok." With that taehyung dashed inside his and jungkooks room. He started to rummage through his closet for comfortable clothes. Soon he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist.
"Baby..." jungkook called huskily in taehyungs ears making him shudder. He turned around in his mates hold and looked into his eyes.
"Kookie..."taehyung called and without giving him another chance to speak jungkook smashed their lips in a passionate kiss. He held his mates waist while kissing him. Taehyung wrapped his arms around his al0has neck and pulled him closer. Soon they broke the kiss and jungkook stared at his mate,taehyung doing the same. But soon the trueblood frowned making taehyung confused.
"What happened kookie? Why are you frowning?" He asked for which jungkook sighed.
"I thought today i could have my baby all to myself."he said making taehyung to chuckle.
"Aww kookie you can have me all day but today lets be with hyungs hmm. I miss them all." The omega said pecking his mates lips but jungkook still frowned making taehyung to groan.
"Kookie. What do you need to stop frowning?" He asked to jungkook who smirked at him.
"Hmm may be i can have a good night time with my baby tonight. We both all by ourselfs. How about that?" He asked and taehyung giggled.
"I knew you would say that you muscle bunny" he said playfuly slapping his mates chest.
"Oww baby it hurts."jungkook fake cried making taehyung to giggle.
"Oh is that so kookie. Should i kiss it better." He asked amd jungkook was quick to nod.
"Please do baby. It really hurts." The trueblood said and smirked. Taehyung giggled again slapping his mates chest.
"You stupid bunny get ready. I don't want my hyungs to wait" he said making jungkook chuckle.
"As you wish your highness." He said making taehyung to giggle abd peck his lips.
"I love you baby......." jungkook said for which taehyung pecked him on the lips again.
"I love you too kookie...." he said and hugged his mate feelung his warmth. They where in their own world that both of them failed to notice the jealous eyes glaring at them............


THE ETERNAL LOVE [Taekook]✔️Where stories live. Discover now