Chapter Twelve

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They wrestled him down in a relatively easy fashion with him so distracted by me. It was a real group effort on their part. Seemingly unseen by the pack, Igor grabbed him by his arms whilst Trish slammed his head against her knee repeatedly, perhaps more times than necessary.

When he stumbled, Igor wrapped him up in the wolfsbane doused cuffs, adding the chains just to be sure. When his head slumped forwards and his eyes fluttered closed, I grabbed his face between my hands, cupping his cheeks. His nose was broken, his lip busted. Bruises were already forming on his face. I sighed and let him go.

"Let's go," I snapped, casting a glance back at the hanging Beta. "We don't have long left until people turn to their Alpha for answers."

With great difficulty, Igor slung him across his shoulder, his legs shaking and keeling under the weight. Alpha Aidan was a muscly man. It was a lot to take for such a lanky ex-Beta.

"Where do we go?" Igor asked, panting already. I pushed and prodded at his back, forcing him to keep moving.

"To the pack line with the road. I told Peter to meet us there. When we're there, we'll stray from the road and head for the inner forest. We'll get back to what we've been doing, just with an added passenger."

I'd never known a pack wolf stray far from the road. We'd lose them in no time. By the time the soon to be pissed off Alpha woke up from his sweet dreams, he'd have no idea where he was. We'd still be in the Fervidus territories, just not the parts known and conquered by him.

With the panicking people of the pack now behind us, Trish breathed out a breath of relief, shocked she wasn't dead yet. I'd been in enough shit in my life to know it was far too early to start relaxing now. I kept pushing at Igor's back, my eyes continuously glancing back over my shoulder.

"I can't believe that actually worked."

"Shut up," I snapped at her. "You'll end up jinxing it. And get your claws out for God's sake. We're still in the territory. This could still go wrong."

I shook my claws out at the same time, far too busy to worry about my eyes changing colour. Besides, whilst the Alpha was out cold, it wouldn't matter. He was hardly going to see them.

"Oh yeah?" Trish asked, stuck on the high of victory. "Give me one way."

"The real councillors could turn up and realise what a mess we've made. Then they'd kill us all properly. Or- I don't know- maybe the pack realises that we killed their Beta and are presently sneaking out of their territory, kidnapping their Alpha."

I doubted that one would go down well. Of course, should it come to that, I'd tell my team to go fuck themselves and make out they'd kidnapped me too. Loyalty could only get a girl so far. Lying and perseverance did the rest.

"Aren't you normally the one for looking on the bright side?" She asked.

"There is no bright side to this for God's sake. We need to move faster."

"You need to chill out."

"Alright, let's put this into perspective. We're carrying an unconscious Alpha who's just found out his Beta has been murdered. We're kidnapping one of the strongest Alphas alive. Don't forget the part where you just smashed his skull into your leg. He's going to be out for blood. If we don't get as far from this pack as we possibly can, then we're screwed from all angles. He'll either fight us to get back to his pack, or his pack will fight us to get their Alpha back. It's your choice, Trish. Either die or walk faster."

I wasn't going to let her slow me down. If she stumbled, I'd use her body as a bridge. I wasn't dying here, especially not yet. I wanted at least two more birthdays before I started the digging of my own grave.

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