Chapter Thirty-Six

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I hesitated at the pack border. When I crossed it, that feeling spread through my body again. The cold that started at the crown of my head until it reached my toes. That was the final warning. There was no going back now.

"Are you nervous?" Aidan asked me, his eyes raking over me in concern.

"Me? Why would I be nervous? I'm not afraid of anything."

I squared my shoulders, trying to seem bigger.

"I didn't ask if you were afraid. It's okay to be scared, Lorrie. I won't let anyone hurt you. You and Trish are both under my personal protection. Whilst we're here, no one will hurt you. On my watch, no one will ever hurt you. Do you understand?"

Passion and intensity. I didn't need it, but I wanted it. No wait. No I didn't. I didn't want it. I didn't need it either. Basically, I didn't need him. At all. This was the heat talking.

I focused my gaze on his chest. "Maybe I'm a little scared. I don't understand it though. I didn't get like this on your territory. I've broken into packs before. I just-"

"You didn't get like this at my pack because your wolf knew you were safe." No. These mate bonds things weren't this in depth. They couldn't be. They just didn't work this way. I'd always valued myself on my knack for decision making. I refused to believe that fate could ever stand a better chance at doing it better than me. "I'll always keep you safe."


It was the heat talking. Not me.

"I promise."

I rolled my shoulders and cleared my throat. When I reminded myself of the blonde whore watching, it was easier to remember myself. "Great. Let's forget this conversation ever happened and get this show on the road. Trish and I have both agreed we'll leave the talking to you. You probably know what you're doing."

"I'll get us in and out safely. You have my word." A smile was pulling at the corners of his lips. He glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes. What was it with corners? I felt like I'd been backed into one. "Do you want to hold my hand?"


"Hold my hand, Lorrie."

I felt safer with his hand wrapped around me. I was a rogue. I'd always been a rogue. I doubted I'd ever feel truly safe on pack territory.

Trish pushed up to my side, her face contorted in disgust. "If you do have a traditional wedding, please don't consider me for a bridesmaid."

"I'll kill her," I said.

Aidan shook his head. "No you won't."

We walked a little longer. By this point, I was certain the Alpha was aware of us. But- assuming he recognised Aidan's scent- we were out of the danger zone for now. Without him, I doubted there was any reality here in which Trish and I could ever be safe.

Diego was known as an evil Alpha for a reason. Any opportunity to kill was more than an opportunity. It was sport. Rogues were like little animals for him to trophy hunt and destroy. I'd heard rumours he was mad. That he'd gone crazy as a boy.

Did I hold the Alpha's hand a little tighter at the thought?

No. Of course not. I was fine.

"So," I began, breaking the silence of the approaching night. "What happens if this goes wrong?"

He kept walking, answering between steps. "It won't go wrong."

An Alpha's certainty. Diego perhaps thought he wasn't going to die, too. But Alphas weren't always right.

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