Chapter Twenty-Seven

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We were both released in time for the Ranger to stare between us in confusion, shaking his head. He must've been listening to our heartbeats- something only an Alpha had the hearing range to do- and heard the honesty in both of our hearts.

We weren't trying to kill each other.

"If you're not trying to kill each other, what's this bullshit about?"

"We were sparring," I said between breaths.

"Sparring," The Ranger repeated incredulously. "Sparring is a few light punches and the odd trip. Take a long, good look at each other."

We looked like Greek gladiators after a bear fight.

He turned away from us both, glaring at the gathering that boxed us in. "Off with all of you! Haven't you got better things to do?" The area was quickly evacuated. Whilst everyone wanted to know what was happening, none of them would risk the wrath of three Alphas.

Trish stayed. Taking her lack of movement as a prompt, Igor stood his ground too. Though, my own theories said that was more to impress the Ranger.

"You two are supposed to be mates," The Ranger snapped. "What's all this about?"

"You're right," I smirked. "Supposed to be."

Being the more mature one of the two of us, Aidan sighed, running a hand through his blood soaked hair. I doubted either of us knew whose blood was who. Amongst the sweat and grit, we were bathed in the blood of each other.

"She won't talk to me," Aidan said in a breathless snap. "Some kids were sparring, they said I could pick anyone to fight. I picked her. It was supposed to be a way of talking to her."

The Ranger shut his eyes and clutched the bridge of his nose. "So you entered a fight to talk?"

"It's fucking Lorelei. What else was I supposed to do?" He bared his teeth at me, obviously blaming me. Probably because it kind of sort of maybe definitely was my fault. "I wasn't going to hurt her. But then she had to go and pull her normal damned stunts and make everything a blood bath." He was breathing heavily. Through that strange link, I felt his maddening rage. "I was going to make it stop. I had my hand ready and then she—"

He glanced down. To everyone else, he was looking to the ground and searching for calm.

To me, he was staring down at himself, trying to decide whether or not I'd really done what we both knew I'd done.

I wiped a finger over my lip, catching more blood.

His glare promised me a thousand violent deaths.

"You're supposed to be mates," The Ranger said, eyes wide. "Do either of you know what that means?"

"It means I protect her and provide for her," Mr high and mighty barked. "Which would be a whole lot easier if she didn't beat the shit out of me at the first opportunity."

They call my smile the no regrets.

"It means he should respect that I want to reject him and accept it."

He glowered at me.

"You're both wrong," The Ranger sighed. "It means that you're supposed to be there for each other. Yes, you can provide and protect, and yes you should respect and accept- but there are other things that should come first."

He thought we were children.

"Put your hand in his hand, Lorelei."

"Why? So he can throw me around some more?"

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