The Meet

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It was finally the day, I am going to see Semi's mom, maybe his dad, I don't know! To be honest I have no idea why I am even nervous, it's not like we are dating or anything... whatever. I just need to get ready and wear something my mom got me, wait- WHAT WAS I THINKING! These are going to be so embarrassing to wear, and I am going to wear thi in front of Semi's parents! What will they think of me? What are you wearing? You should get someone who can dress properly Semi. Why him? You could have chosen anyone in the world and it had to be someone as pathetic as him? My mind kept spinning around with these comments.

"You are thinking of the worst possible scenarios about wearing the outfit aren't you?" I turn my head to see my mom by my bedroom door. THere stood my father with a smirk on his face... wait- FATHER?! I turned my head to see my dad standing there in a plain white long-sleeved shirt, with a white yet gray looking jacket and dark blue pants.

"Dad what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be on a trip?! You know, for the movie?" I started to panic. I thought he was supposed to be back in 2 months! Why is he here? Was he forced to resign from his role?!" My dad is an actor and my mom and I both know how important it is to him. My parents had me at a young age and they still aren't even in their 40's yet. My dad has been trying to get my mom to get into acting with him but... I still don't know if she said yes or not.

"Don't worry, I didn't get forced to resign my role" I let out a sigh of relief knowing that my dad isn't sad and he still has his role. He is playing a very big role in this movie called "Double cross". My dad's fame is actually starting to build up and I am happy that he is happy.

"Oh! Did mom agree to become an actress?" My dad smiles and nods and I jump in excitement.

"She is going to be playing a role in the movie too!" Once I heard those words I got even more riled up. I was really happy for them, I still don't know what I want to be, an actor like my parents or a doctor. I am kind of leaning towards being an actor like my parents because the stories my dad tells me are really amazing!

"Anyways, back on topic. I am sure that his parents are not that mean."

"And how would you know that" I turned my head away because I really want to believe my dad but it really is hard out there where many people judge you for who

you are.

"That is because I work with his parents!" I immediately turned my head back facing him in disbelief.

"That is a lie, right?" My father shook his head a no, still making eye-contact with me. Me and my dad kind of have this language with just making eye-contact with each other, it's like we know what we want from each other without even saying anything

 Me and my dad kind of have this language with just making eye-contact with each other, it's like we know what we want from each other without even saying anything

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I really hope my dad was right about them not judging me or else I would be so embarrassed. Why did I agree to go in a fake relationship with my senpai? This was a terrible idea of wearing this. What am I going to do! I went out of my bedroom and downstairs into the living room to see my mom and dad on the couch.

"Oh my gosh, Kenji! You look so cute!" My mom kept fangirling about how cute I looked in my outfit and my dad was sitting next to my mom giving me a reassuring smile. I smiled back at him and laughed at my mom until I heard the doorbell ring. I stood there frozen but my mom made no hesitation on running to the door and opening it. Luckily I wasn't standing so Semi was able to see me from the doorstep.

"Kenji! Your boyfriend is here!" I froze once again. I wasn't able to move anything in my body. My mom came back to get me and dragged me to the door. I stood there in front of Semi who seemed to be in utter shock. He was wearing a black coat with a white shirt on the inside and black jeans with a black belt. With the outfit were black vans. I really didn't want to face him. I really am scared of what he is going to say to me about my outfit because Semialready looks good for once! Everybody on the Volleyball team know s about how bad his fashion is. He suddenly grabbed my hand and that is when I looked up at him.

"You look beautiful" Is all he said. We may be acting but that still got me to blushing. I looked down, not able to grasp the right words.

"Come on let's go" He tugged on my hand to tell me to come with him and I hesitantly obliged. We went up to the car and he opened the passenger's seat as I climbed in. He closed the door and went to the driver's seat. We sat there in silence as the engine turned on.

"Bye you two! See you later!" Semi knew that my parents knew we were fake dating but I guess he couldn't but smile and wave to my mom a goodbye. We sat in silence after a couple seconds of driving until Semi broke it.

"You actually do look beautiful though" I blush at that, a visible crimson red was plastered on my face. I thought he was acting? Did he actually mean it back there?

"Umm... thanks... my mom made me go shopping for this" I looked out the window as I said this and not long after heard a light chuckle from Semi.

"Well, gotta make it believable!" I smiled at the comment and continued looking outside, waiting in anticipation to get there and out! After a couple minutes of driving, we pulled up to a little driveway that led away from the other houses and in the distance, you can see this big house come into view. It was like a mansion, it was a light colored brown and circled around the front a bit. You can see many balconies on the second floor and some on the third. What is it with everyone and being rich?! We got out of the car but my gaze did not leave the house.

"Welcome back young sir" That got my gaze off the house, actually, I don't think you can even call this a house!

"Hello Stella, nice to see you too!" I look to my left to see Semi standing in front of a lady that was apparently taller than me. Stupid height! Making me look short! I look down at the ground, not wanting to intrude on their conversation.

"And you must be the young sir's boyfriend!" I look up to see the woman, Stella standing in front of me.

"Uh-um... yeah" I didn't know what to say, it was honestly very awkward for me. I didn't know what to do! I mentally started to have a panic.

"Welcome to the Semi's home!" I look up to see the woman bowing in front of me. I started to panic physically and mentally.

"Uh-Uh-Um... you don't have to bow and thank you" I say with a smile. She stands back up and smiles. She then turns to the side to let me have an open path to go towards the house instead of going around her. Me and Semi walked together hand in hand and made our way to the big brown doors. He can see I was nervous.

"It's alright, I promise they are nice. They aren't the ones to judge others for who they are" Those words calmed me down. Hearing two people say that reassured me that nobody is around to judge anything about me. The doors open by two butlers inside and we walk in. Once we got in we heard a loud shut and that made me look behind me even though I already knew it was the doors.

"Hello, welcome home!" A low unfamiliar voice said.

"Yes welcome home! You must be Kenjiro Shirabu!"






I wanted to make up for the loss of updating by updating another one today! I am probably going to stay up late tonight to make another for you guys! I already have an idea of what story I want to do after this and I can assure everyone that I'm really only going to do Haikyuu books! Have a nice day/afternoon/evening! 

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