The incident

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My heart was beating fast but why?! 'Why am I thinking about these stupid feelings!' 'I shrugged feelings like these before but why can't I do it now!'

I heard the door open with a sweet voice coming from downstairs.
"Hi Kenji~" I ran down the stairs forgetting about my weird feelings  and ran into my moms arms.
"Hi mom!"
"Oh yeah! Do you have your answer for hanging together on Saturday?"
"I would like that"
"Yay! Let's get started hm?" I didn't speak but instead, replied with a nod. We fixed up dinner and then left to our beds.

●Time skip to Saturday●

I woke up wondering why my alarm clock refused to wake me up until I noticed what the day was.
'Finally! I can have a day with my mom' This is all I really ask for, my mom to hangout with me but I know she can't. My dad left years ago to work at another place. We still give him calls but that is like once a month. My parents are very busy people and I Don't want to be in the way of any of their work.

I ran downstairs dressed up in an oversized black sweater and blue jeans. I see my mom already downstairs making breakfast.
"Hi Kenji! How did you sleep?"
"I slept well"
"That's good! Oh, can you set the table?"
"Sure" I went towards the table and started to setting it up. By the time I was done with that, my mom was done with the food.

•After eating•

We both started doing the rest of our morning chores and routines and went down towards the door.
"Are you sure you want to go, I am not going to be mad if yo-"
"Your always busy and I rarely get to see you in the afternoons because of your work schedule. Why would I not want to see you?" I looked up to see my mom on the verge of tears. I slowly walked towards her and pulled my arms around her with her returning it.
"I don't know what I did to deserve a son like you!" I can hear her voice crack as she said this.
"You deserve a lot and much more" I can feel her shaking in my arms as I comforted her and gave her compliments.

After awhile she was finally able to calm down.
"You also deserve a lot and more" Her sweet smile was on her face as she looked down on me and I could feel my face flushing from embarrassment.
"Hahahaha! You face is so red Kenji!" I looked down now avoiding eye contact as I could hear her laugh. I felt a smile creep onto my face. My mom and dad are the only ones that are able to make me smile, nobody else I knew was able to do that. That is why they are special to me, they understand me and are able to make me happy. They were the only and will be the only ones to make me smile.

•At the mall•

We finally at the mall and it might not look like it but I was bouncing up and down overjoyed to have my mom with me. I can't remember the last time we went out together when it was only us. We started looking around at shops we both admired going through the clothes and having a fashion show with them. This all made my day, spending time with my mom, going to shops we loved, and showing off outfits to one another.

We walking down one of the billion halls the mall has until I heard a voice, no, not just one voice... multiple voices that I recognized. I peered over to the voices in front of us. There were a group of people but not just any group of people. The Shiratorizawa's volleyball club was there. They looked like they were having a fun time. I didn't want to be noticed so I went on the other side of my mom. Luckily nobody noticed me and I walked along like I never saw a thing.

After a couple of minutes I could hear the group behind us. 'What are they doing?!' 'Did they notice me?' 'Was I too obvious' My thoughts kept running around like a toy train.


We started to hear screams coming from behind us.

Bang bang

We heard two more gunshots. Then I heard a lot of footsteps coming our way and before you know it, there were a flock of people running behind us.
"RUN AWAY!" One shouted.
"COME ON!" Another chimed in. After that me, my mom and the Shiratorizawa volleyball club started running away from everyone. Everyone seemed to have gone into different stores, so we all ran to the closest one. Once we all got inside we could hear panicks from everyone, some were crying, some were scared, some were trying to calm people down and the rest were dialing the police.

I saw the Shiratorizawa group all looking so panicked but I couldn't help but notice something was missing... I didn't want to be seen but I couldn't figure out what it was. Then it suddenly clicked.
"Hey guys!" I yelled over to them so they can hear me and I can get there attention.
"You here too?!" Tendo kept looking at me like he has seen a ghost or something.
"Yeah but anyways..."
"Wasn't Goshiki with you guys too?"
"Yeah, he is right ove- wait GOSHIKI?!" Tendo started to look everywhere and asked the other members if they have seen the innocent first year but then everyone heard a little scream. Everyone's attention was faced towards another boy with bowl cut, Goshiki!

There were two guys in front of the boy who was trembling on the ground with a gun pointing towards his heart.
"Anyone wanna come put here and save the poor boy?" Silence.
"Welp were just going to kill him!" They were about to pull the trigger but everyone started panicking and shouting at him until everyone was silenced out by a very loud voice.
"STOP!" Everyone turned there attention towards the voice which appeared to came from me.
"I rather you shoot me then him" I stood up and walked towards them.
"Senpai n-"
"Go over there Goshiki"
"Go. Now." Goshiki obediently went over to where I pointed at.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" One of them said in a cocktail voice.
"Another little boy? Probably as scared as the other one I bet.
"Where is your off button? I am sorry but I think I might go deaf if I hear another word out of you mouth" They both shot their heads towards me with rage of fire filled in their eyes.
"What did you just say?"
"Oops, sorry I didn't know you were death" I can already tell I was getting under their skin. One of them aimed the gun at me but not at my heart, but at my arm.


I winced in pain, refusing to let out a screm.
"I am pretty sure everyone that looks at you thinks you are the most ugly and trash person they have ever seen, I mean look at you! Bahahahhaha!" They kept mocking me and I can feel eyes of pity staring at me.
"Trash talk by many. Hated by some. Guess how many fucks I guve? It's less than none" Everyone turned their attention towards me, everyone's eyes in shock. Probably thinking 'how does this kid have the audacity to talk bad when he is already in a bad position?!'
The same person raised the gun at my unharmed arm.


I can feel the agony swell up inside me as I wince at the pain more and more.
"Next is your heart kid! You better think before enough speak! Kid you can't possibly think that the world revolves around you!"
"I am not thinking that at all"
"Bitch, don't talk back to me!"
"I am sorry, I wasn't aware that answering a question was considered as talking back" The guy aimed the gun at my heart and right before he was going to shoot.
"Stop right there! You are under arrest for shooting and attempt of murder!"
"You were just lucky kid!" The police took them away as the ambulance has come by to check my arms. I was suggested to go to the hospital to get all patched up.

•Time skip! At home•

We walked through the door with my arm covered with bandages and some other bags that we got at the mall. We decided to go shopping for a bit more after I got patched up. As I was helping my mom put away the clothes she said something that embarrassed me a lot.
"Who do you like?" I started to get flustered from embarrassment but was confused at the same time.
"What do you mean?"
"I saw your face getting red as a tomato at the mall, so I suspect that there were people you knew there and one of them was your crush. 'Was I blushing when I heard their voices or... Swmi's soft sweet voice? Wait- WHAT AM I THINKING!!! I HATE HIM!'
"Soooooo~ ate you gonna say?"
"I-I honestly don't know myself for sure"
"Ok! Hope you find out soon! It's around the age kids your age gets into relationships" Then she walked out of the room while I stood there frozen, lost in thought. 'I can't possibly like someone right? Yeah, yeah! That has to be it! It's just another feeling that I don't know of... yeah that has to be it' I slowly took my thoughts to my room and started to feel my eyes get heavy until everything was finally dark.

Hi~ I am trying to upload at least once a day so please don't get mad if I don't upload on a day! I have lack of sleep and have bags under my eyes and I am still trying to write this! This was 1644 words! Have a nice day!

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