• O C H O •

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~ S A V A N N A H ~
Walking into my house, I take in the scent of honey melon, no doubt from the candle that was lit in the middle of the coffee table. "Momma, I'm home! Mom said that I needed to come home for a couple days," I call out, sighing in disappointment and frustration that I couldn't be there for Kimberly. Ever since Kimberly had been admitted to the hospital, I felt as though Iw as being watched. I knew some nurses would keep an eye on me, to report back to my mom that i was fine but it felt more then that. It felt like there was someone watching me that I wasn't able to notice. It didn't help that the doctors couldn't find anything wrong with Kimberly but I had a feeling. I had always been a 'nerd' as other woulda put it, meaning I loved reading into greek mythology and supernatural beings. It was one of the reasons Kimberly and I had bonded so closely. I was the one to know all this information and she was the one to venture forth with proving the existence of said stuff.

   I mean there was so much unexplainable things in history that pointed towards the supernatural. My theory was proved last year during the accident when It had been discovered that Golems and Rugaru's existed. Shivering at the memories, A box on the table catches my eye. Slowly walking towards it, I examined the crumbled brown wrapping on it, tied with a brown string, A neatly red envelope with a white stamp laced under the ribbon. Carefully slipping the envelope out from under the string, I quickly recognize the cursive writing on the wrong. Ripping the top open, I pull out the neatly folded card. The writing on it was very familiar to me, my mind traveling to the person who we left behind to protect our old town. Gently setting the card, I grab the box, ripping the paper open to view the old tattered books. My fingers traced over the cover, letting a deep shaky breath escape me.

 My fingers traced over the cover, letting a deep shaky breath escape me

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  I had left these two books in the hands of the safe keeper. They held to many painful memories, sometimes I wish I had never found the books but in the other hand I knew that without them so many people would have been hurt. My head shoots up as I hear the door open. Quickly grabbing the two books and card, I rush up the stairs towards my room. "SAVANNAH VALENTINA RAMIREZ WHAT HAVE WE SAID ABOUT RUNNING UP THE STAIRS!" I hear my momma's voice shout as I wince from her tone. "SORRY MOMMA! "I shout back as I hid the books in my closet.

   Walking downstairs, I spot mom standing over the counter going through the mail. She was dressed in her garden attire. "Hey momma," I say walking over to her. "Hi honey, " she sighs turning to me, easily spotting the dark bags under her eyes. "Mom says that the doctor is gonna release Kimberly tomorrow if her labs come back clean," the information leaves my mouth as a sense of relief noticeably crosses her face. She pulls me into a hug as a sense of calming for her. "She's gonna be alright, she has to be," I whisper closing my eyes as I feel the tears form. I wasn't gonna lose Kimberly and whatever was happening... I was gonna find out.

GOLEM: A Golem is a supernatural being of clay, made and given life to obey a rabbi. They are usually under the employ of Rabbis, or the descendant of the Rabbis, that animated them.

RAGARU: Rugarus are carnivorous humanoids which fed on 'long pig' (human flesh), similar to Wendigos.

WC: 632
THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 40k READS! I never thought anyone would actually enjoy my stories so this means a lot to me!!

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