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~ S A V A N N A H ~
"I can't believe you talked me into coming here," I muttered towards Kimberley as we both stood outside of Scott Mccall's house. "Well you want answers and I was promised food from the message Stilinski sent me on instagram," Kimberly says showing me the Dm from Stiles. I sigh before knocking on the door. Not even three seconds later the door opens to reveal Issac. He nervously smiles at me, opening the door wider for us to come in. Walking in, I take the time to study Scott's house. It seemed boring and bland, just like the town. "Everyone's in Scotts room, follow me," Issac says leading the way.

Following him up the stairs, I curiously stare at the baby pictures on the wall. Scott seemed to be such a happy baby, I wonder what turned him into such an arrogant asshole. We finally make it to the room where I see everyone, including an older male who I had never met. Now I wasn't gonna lie, he looked very attractive. "Savannah, You actually came," Theo states in surprise. "Kimberly too, now wheres thus good i was promised," my bestfriend blunty says. "Umm we ordered Pizza a bit ago, it should be here soon," Allison speaks up. "You can sit down," Scott says motioning to the bed. "I'd rather stand," I say. "Now why was i supposed to come here? Couldn't you have explained this to me at school?" I question annoyed that I couldn't be at home binge watching Harry Potter. I mean come on, I wanted to see Cedrics handsome face.

   "Well you see-," Scott starts to explain. "Listen let's get straight to the point, you seem to be in danger," The older male states. I furrow my eyebrows at him. "And exactly who are you?" Kimberly rudely questions. "Derek Hale," He introduces. "Isn't it weird to be hanging out with teenagers?" she questions raising her eyebrows at him. "Isn't it weird to have so much attitude for a dumb blonde?" he questions back. I hide a chuckle at the shocked look on Kimberlys face. Her eyes narrow at him. "Weren't you accused for murder or some shit?" she asks. Sending the angry  vibes that were coming from the two i stand up in between them. "Alright before you two kill each other can someone explain how exactly you know i'm in 'danger'?" I ask.

    "I can't explain how but this note.. somethings off with it," Scott says. I roll my eyes at them. "So basically your saying just because someone sent me a note and flowers it's wrong? wow what a great waste of time this was. Come on Kimberly, we're leaving," I huff storming out. Making my way to my car, I impatiently tap on the steering wheel. "Stupid stalkers. Stupid boring town," I mutter before turning at the sound of knocking on my window. "Can you come back inside?" Issac begs. "Look, i just moved here, i get making friends and all is cool but you guys are creepy and i'd rather not hang around you guys," I say politely sending him a smile as Kimberly gets in. Issac moves back as I drive away. "Gosh this town is strange," I mutter focusing on the road. If only I knew how strange things were gonna get...

WC: 518
Hey so I posted a storyline A/N that better helps explain things so go check it out! It's the second chapter of this book.

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