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~ S A V A N N A H ~
       "Do these dead bodies have anything to do with whatever is after me?" the question was simple really but by the looks I was being given my stomach churned. "How do you know about the murders?" Stilinski asks his voice filled with curiosity and a bit of annoyance. "Hmm I don't know maybe from the news," Irritation seeped into me. Come on it was common knowledge  that murder were posted on the news papers. A smack on the head lightly echoes around as Stilinski rubs the back of his head while Theo mutters something along the lines of how much braincells he has. "If it has to do with you we'll tell you," Lydia assures with a light smile on her face. "Oh like you how you told us you were werewolves," Kimberly's sarcasm is clear in her voice as she speaks.

       A dirty look is thrown her way by Allison. "All I'm saying is that if I get killed, I'm coming back to haunt you," I deadpan, grabbing Kimberlys hand and proceeding to walk off. The feeling of eyes on me causes a smirk to appear on my lips. While there wasnt any Immediate danger on me right now, I would no doubt have fun toying with the group all while they remained clueless to how well I could handle myself on dangerous encounters. 


   Stretching my arms over my head, I send a smile towards the twins as they walked out across the field. Lining up with everyone else, coach soon blows his whistle causing us all to run. I manage to get in front of everyone before feeling to people past me. Aiden turns to throw me a wink before continuing to run. Chuckling at the nature of them, I soon start to frown as I notice Issac pass me, a sense of anger on his face. It's then that I notice the speed of all three of them was faster then average as Scott runs past me. 

    My running falters, I may not have known these people for long but something told me something bad was about to happen. A tug on my arm brings my focus to my left. Stilinski now matched my pace, a look of concern spread on his face. "Turn the other way up here, we don't need anyone seeing them,' he states, I cooperate only because I didn't want to expose anyone else to the horrid truth of the supernatural. Running along the left path, my eyes spot something in the distance. I picked up my speed and stop realizing what I was spotting.  A scream echoes through the forest as I stared at the young man whole was roped against the tree by his neck with a leash. Everyone soon gathered around us staring at the corpse.  "It's him isn't it," I hear Stilinski ask from behind me. Turning my head, I make eye contact with Issac. I had a feeling things were only going to get worse from here.

  "Hey get out of the way. Back," The sheriff yells as a deputy shouts at us to get away from the body. Stilinski points out to his dad the similarities but is brushed off as coach tells us to get back. "Coach he was a senior," Scott informs making coach sigh. "He wasn't on the team was he?" the question causes me to wonder if coach really gives a damn about anything other than sports.  A blonde girl soon runs over screaming his name as another deputy grabs her holding her back making her lean into him sobbing. 

    I watch Issac, Scott, and Stilinski walk off muttering to each other. I squint my eyes in suspicion watching their reactions as the three argue before Issac storms away from them.  Walking over to them, I grab the twos hands pulling them after Issac. I ignore the way my heart beat picks up and the way their hands send warmth through me. "Lahey," I shout causing the boy to stop walking and turn, eyes scanning over the way I gripped the other two boys hands and practically dragged them across the field. "You three are gonna explain to me what the hell that was," I demand letting Scott and Stilinski go as I stopped in front of Issac. The three point to eachother as they declare who was going to explain to me why they seemeed to be chasing my friends and they better have had a good damn reason.


      A giggle leaves my mouth watching Kimberly look unimpressed at Aiden's attempts at flirting. The sudden feeling of two pairs of eyes on me caused me to turn to see Scott and Issac glaring at the three of us. I raise my eyebrows at them making the two quickly turn away. "Listen Steiner, I'm just not into you. So go along to some other girl and try to impress her," Kiberly states shutting her locker. "A smuch as I would love to hear you two argue, not really, I have lunchtime detention for texting  in Ms. Mallords class so I will see you two later," I say bidding them farwell.

   I managed to drown out most of whatever it was Mr. Harris was saying until I quickly learned how much of a mistake it was. "Of course I get stuck cleaning a closet with you," I groan as I look at the dust that surrounded us. "I'm not happy about it either," Issac irritates as I notice the tension in his voice.  "Weird seeing as how i figured you stalking me would have left you wanting to be alone with me in a small room," I joke. After getting no response, I turned around only to notice how Issac was in a corner breathing hard. "Issac?" I worry stepping forward only for him to tell me to not get close. 

  "Whats wro-," my sentence breaks as he growls. The sense of danger quickly overtakes me as he slowly turns, Getting a look at the goldish yellow eyes and fangs growing out of his mouth, I back up hitting the door. As he slowly stalks forward I jiggle the handle only for it to break. Tears spring in my eyes as i turn back towards Issac who now stood four feet away from me. "Okay I know I irritate you sometimes and we have this joking thing but are you really gonna kill me?" I rable nervously only to receive a deep growl. A yelp escapes me as he lunges forward and I close my eyes, bracing myself for it. Only he doesn't attack me.

     Peaking my eyes open, I notice how his body is  against me in a protective like manner. My face twists in confusion. "Issac?" my voice shakes only to be responded to with a low growl. The door suddenly opens causing us to fall. A groan escaping me at the sudden impact on top of my body. Issac is quickly torn off me as I'm pulled up. "Are you okay?" Allison questions me as I notice scott pining Issac to the wall, his fangs and goldish eyes going away. "Yea, " I whisper unsure of how to feel. "The door was locked from the outside," Scott mutters looking at me with worry. "You know I'm starting to get really angry," Issac mutters sharing a look with Allison and Scott. "Okay whatever it is your planning, I want no part in it," I state turning and walking away quickly before I really did end up hurt.


     Walking into my last period, I feel exhausted. Practically throwing myself down into my seat.  "Okay everyone, I know this is the last class of the day. To be honest I wanna get out of here too, " Ms. Blake states as Scott sits next to me. Pulling something out of his bag that gets the twins attention.He spins it before setting it down. "That looks kind of important," he pauses pulling another item out of his bag, "I have no idea what this thing does. Aiden runs out of the class with us all looking after him. Every single one of us rushes out of class to the sight of Aiden and his bike. 

   "You have got to be kidding me. You realize this is gonna result in a suspension," Ms. Blake glares at Aiden as Allison and Issac chuckle besides me and Scott. I notice the small smirk on Scotts face as Ethan looks over. I look at them all with irritation. Of course, now they've suspended my friend. 


A/N: Heyyy long time no see. I tried to give you a long chapter as an apology for repeatedly disappearing. Now I'm not promising a full return but I have slightly fixed my writers block. Hopefully I can give you guys at least four new chapters this year. Now in the last chapter's A/N i was debating smut and I have come to a conclusion. I will start off slow with smut, leading with suggestive writing scenes and references to the real thing. Now I will mark only the actual smut scenes with a warning on when it stops and ends. So if there is a suggestive scene or quick tease scene they will not be marked. Some smut will be irrelevant to the full plot but relavent to the relationships and some may be very important to the plot so I've decided that for those who do not want to read it, at the end of a chapter containing smut, I will do either two things. Write a brief note of when the smut plot will be important or write a lightly warned summary of the scene. If anyone who is uncomfortable with smut has any suggestions on hwo to keep you in the loop without reading the smut please let me know!!! Also happy pride month my lovelies, please be safe if you are going to a pride rally!!

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