• Q U I N C E •

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~ S A V A N N A H ~

     Pulling into my house, I notice both of my moms cars missing and in their place were three very familiar vehicles. A sigh escapes me as I pull into my parking spot besides a blooming cherry tree. Softly closing the door and locking Eleanor, Kimberly insisting I named my Jeep which I later learned was becasue she heard Stilinski had names his Jeep Roscoe and Kimberly neeed my jeep to be better then his. Setting my keys down on the counter, I wait to hear a noise from any of the people that I knew were here. Once I hear nothing I sigh in relief and turn around. A scream escapes me as I turn straight into Issac, who looked extremely pissed as he grabbed me. Looking over his shoulder I see everyone else, a mixture of anger, relief and sadness on their faces.  "Where have you been? It's been six hours Savannah. You weren't answering your phone, we couldn't track your scent. Do you have any Idea how worried all of us were?" Issac yelled, his grip tightened as his eyes flashed between yellow and his normal greyblue eyes. Theo steps forward pulling Issac off and away from me. "Your hurting her," he says as I reach up towards my right shoulder.

    Tears brimming my eyes as my heart beat loudly. Kimberly rushed into me sobbing as we hugged each other tight. I didn't notice that Issac along with Theo and Allison were no longer in the room as I clung onto my other  half. "They killed Boyd and then we couldn't find you and I thought they hurt you,"  Kimberly sobbed into me. "I was on my way to you and then I served off the road and I-," midsentence I realized that I didn't even know what happened to me. One second I was driving and the next I swerved to avoid hitting someone and woke up in the forest without a hint of damage. "Someone was on the road and then it was like they disappeared into thin air,"  I recall as Kimberly pulled away. "Scott, Theo, and I will go try and get a scent. Issac and Allison can watch for anyone coming to the house," Derek directs as Issac, Theo, and Allison come in. "Great, we get stuck with the one who can't control his anger," I mutter causing a growl to echo through the room. 

    With a roll of my eyes I start to head upstairs. "I'm going to take a shower. Kim, if my moms gets here while I'm in the shower tell them that we're having a study sleepover," I call getting to my room and closing the door to lean against it with a sigh. I hated how I got roped into this supernatural crap, I had wished it was left in Colorado. Starting the water up, I begin to slip my clothes off when I look in the mirror. My eyes traveled to the bruises that had formed on both my shoulders, a rub over both of them before getting into the water. Closing my eyes as the warm water hits my body, I didn't notice the way the water shone a light pink or how my bruises began to fade.


    Walking down the stairs after about an hour in the shower and spending another twenty minutes blow drying my hair, the sudden smell of fresh pasta hit my nose. My eyebrows furrowed as I wandered into the kitchen upon hearing laughter. Upon entering I spotted Lydia and Allison sat at the dinner table, smiling towards Stiles and Issac who were making jokes with mom as Kimberly and Momma stood next to the stove. "What's going on?" I question cautiously as everyone's attention shifts towards me. "Oh baby how come you never introduced us to your friends?" Mom questions a giant smile on her face. Probably because they aren't my friends, I think but don't say aloud. "I, um, didn't know you wanted to meet them," I say plastering a fake smile on my face as I walk closer, coincidentally next to Issac. "Oh of course we would want to meet your friends, why.." Momma talks on but I drown her out as fingers brush against my thigh. Turning to my right with a glare I meet Issacs smirk. "Cute hello kitty shorts," the arrogance in his clear voice. "Shame you'll never see what's under them," I hiss quietly kicking his shin and his jaw sets glaring harshly at me. Suddenly his face lifts as he turns towards my mom. "So Mrs. Ramirez, I was wondering. There isn't any baby or toddler pictures of Savannah, was there a reason for it?" Issacs question causes Kimberly to snort as my face runs cold.

     "Well-," Mom begins to talk as I interrupt her. "No! Moms you promised," I glare. "It's because most if not all the pictures are of Savannah in bright pink dresses," Kimberly says laughing as I stare at the ground ashamed. "Before Savannah was six she was in this phase where she would wear the most horrific color of pink dresses. We tried to get her to change but she would throw a fit so now all the pictures we have of her that young are in that ugly ass color," Momma explains chuckling at the thought. "Oh I have them all stored away in a box in the attic, I could show you after dinner," Mom offers putting her freshly made garlic bread in the oven. "Oh that would be great," Issac says turning to look at me with a smug smile. 'I will destroy you' I mouth as I sit down. Stilinski's eyes go back and forth between us before settling on me. I stared at the boy unimpressed as he practically drooled while looking at my boobs that sat up in the white sports bra I wore. Resting my head on my hand I suppressed a groan, this was going to be a long night.


WC: 1010

A/N: The next two chapters will focus on Savannah slowly becoming closer to the pack then it will start on episode 9. Episode 8 will be lightly mentioned throughout those two chapters. I've also figured out the whole bonding situation which Deaton will explain before the ancient ritual. 

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