Day 1 - Fluff

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There were many things Amy loved about Silver, both in his personality and his looks. She adored his kindness and passion and how he wore his heart on his sleeve, and his golden eyes and strength and funky hairdo. But most of all, she adored the extensive soft white tuft of fluffy fur wrapped around his neck and shoulders, falling perfectly between the two quills on his back. How Amy loved to bury her face in there when they were cuddling!

One cold winter morning when they were hanging out together Amy noticed something peculiar about the psychic hedgehog. He had been running his hands through her quills and scratching her behind her ears, and Amy had nearly drifted off from contentment... but then Silver had dared to stop. She cracked open an eye, peeked out from his chest and muttered an annoyed-sounding sigh, but then she noticed Silver stare in doubt at her neck and shoulders while tugging at his chest fur.

"Hngh... wa's w'ong...?" she mumbled, sleep still clouding her mind. Silver seemed to jump up out of his contemplations.

"Oh, nothing! It's nothing, really. Maybe, just..." He was silent for a few moments. "...It's nothing, never mind." Well, if she had been disgruntled by the lack of affection he had subjected her to for the past ten seconds, this was just odd. She rubbed her eye with her hand to rouse herself a bit more, then lifted herself up from her luxurious pillow completely and glanced critically at the other. Silver seemed to be chewing his lip in doubt.

"Silvy, I can tell something's on your mind. Really, what is it?"

The other hedgehog peeked at her shoulders and arms once more while running his own hand through the white tuft of fur he possessed. Amused by how cute he was acting, she waited patiently for him to start speaking.

"Amy... do you ever get cold?" Now that was a question she hadn't been expecting, and she blinked in surprise before a smile broke through on her face.

"Cold? Why would I be cold? I wear clothes, don't I? If anyone were to be cold it should be you, I don't think I've ever seen you wear anything," she teased him gently, poking him in his bare stomach and smiling wider at the giggle it elicited. Silver seemed to relax a little at her words, but then the seriousness and doubt returned to his gaze once more.

"Yes, but you're not as fluffy as me, and you don't have fur on your arms. I just don't want you to be chilly!"

Amy wondered how a single conversation could make a person look so adorable. She kissed his forehead affectionately, before settling down against him once more. "I'll be fine, Silvy, really. When it gets really cold I'll put on thicker clothes and I won't notice it, promise." She bumped her hand against Silver's before wrapping hers around him. "Now, if you please?" Silver kissed her forehead back and obliged, massaging her head once more, and Amy quickly fell asleep, although she could tell that Silver's worries had not left his mind entirely.


Silver didn't know what to make of autumn and winter. The leaves had turned such pretty red and orange colours, but then they had fallen off, leaving only mush on the streets and brown skeletons in their wake. Amy had assured him that they would come back in spring, as bright and green as they had been when he first laid his eyes on them, but Silver doubted it until he could see for himself.

Another problem he had run into was the colder temperature. Having grown up in a world where he had always been surrounded by fire and lava, the frigid winds and chills made his body shiver and his hands tremble, not to mention numb his toes and feet. While he liked playing in the snow, he wasn't a fan of the cold it brought. Luckily he had found that the fluffy tuft of fur around his neck was perfectly adept at keeping him warm. He could burrow the lower half of his face in it, and his frozen nose and cheeks would be warm instantly again.

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