Day 2 - Argument

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Nurse Anisa was watching the television during the quiet hours of the late night, intently focusing on the recording that recapped the evil Dr. Eggman's attack on the city from that afternoon. As the newsreader told his avid listener, the Doctor's plan had been to trample the entire city over with his army and use the land as a site for the creation of weapons. However, despite his masses of robots and weaponry, the madman had been defeated quickly by the Blue Blur and some of his friends. Most of them had gotten away nearly unscathed, only one had been injured badly enough to warrant a trip to the hospital. Since the hospital she worked at had been closest he had been brought over to them, with the positive prognosis of recovery in a few days. Anisa had been giddy with excitement, though she couldn't show it due to needing to follow the code of professionalism. She had been in the presence of a real-life hero!

Engrossed in the recap of the new, Anisa nearly shot up from her chair as the door to the reception slammed open with a bang. Wide-eyed, she stared as a very angry pink hedgehog stormed in, armed with a hammer that was resting on her shoulder. The contradiction between her burning eyes and her ice-cold voice that inquired the whereabouts of a certain patient named Silver the Hedgehog could not have been greater.

Anisa gawked at the pink hedgehog, who she recognised as Amy Rose, one of Sonic's friend that had been present in the fight that took place that day. She was at a complete loss for words for multiple moments, before she managed to stutter out: "M-my apologies ma'am, but visiting hours are over for today and..." She squeaked as the visitor's eyes burned brighter still and the hammer underwent the tiniest shift upwards. "H-he's in room 205 ! Two flights of stairs up, twice left, and down the hallway on the right side!"

"Thank you." Amy Rose turned away from the reception and stormed towards the stairs, leaving behind Anisa, who could only clutch the desk in fear.


Silver stared at the ceiling of the room he was in, bored out of his mind. He had lost track of what happened around him in the battle as wave after wave of robots fell to his powers, and got blasted with shrapnel and bullets as a result. The people from the hospital had declared him lucky that his injuries were mild, and said he was allowed to leave in a few days at most. The good news didn't take away that he currently was stuck in a bed with absolutely nothing to do, though. It was already late at night, and his friends hadn't been allowed to visit him until tomorrow at the earliest.

With a deep sigh, Silver offhandedly fiddled with the bandages wrapped around his torso. He would never admit it, but he felt loneliness brew in the pits of his stomach. Being left like this reminded him too much of the ruined futures he tried so desperately to undo, where he was left alone with no other survivors... No, he wasn't going to think about that again. Deciding he might as well just try to go to sleep, he wriggled deeper into the covers and pillows provided and closed his eyes, banishing all negative thoughts from his mind. Tomorrow would be a better day.

He had almost dozed off completely until he heard the sounds of some commodity drift from the hallway. Blinking his eyes open again, Silver yawned and stretched as he listened intently to what was happening. He thought he could hear some people talk fervently, and perceived loud footsteps make their way to him. Surprised, he nearly jumped out of his skin when the door to his room flew open, slamming against the wall with a crash. Angrily getting ready to yell at whoever dared make such a ruckus at this hour, Silver's gaze lit up instead when he saw who was standing in the doorway. "Amy!"

Silver's delight was not returned, however, and he gazed dumbfoundedly as Amy stalked into the room without greeting him back. From her posture and facial expression he could see she was positively livid, though he couldn't think of anything that could have caused it. Regardless, he tried again to speak to her. "What are you doing here, Amy? The lady downstairs told me that I wasn't allowed-"

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