Day 5 - First Meeting

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Silver stared at the card he held in his hand, anger burning in the pits of his stomach. Not only had Eggman Nega stolen the Master Emerald along with the entirety of Onyx Island from the future, and attempted to turn the entire planet of the past into a card, he had also gone after some innocent citizens of this timeline and made them serve as pawns in his evil ploy. Silver had bravely defeated the madman with help from some of the inhabitants of this era, though he would never admit that part, and Eggman Nega had been turned into a card himself when his machine went haywire. His card was now kept under the constant vigilance and watchful eye of Silver, who was plotting multiple ways to get rid of the genius. There was no doubt in his mind that Eggman Nega had installed multiple fail-saves in case anything went awry with his camera... well, hopefully he hadn't planned on being thrown in a pool of lava when they returned to the future with the Chaos Emerald the psychic used to time travel. Silver smirked at the thought.

Turning his attention away from his archnemesis he looked over the card he was holding once again, as he had done more times to count in the past hours. Pictured on the sturdy paper was a girl, a pink hedgehog whose closed eyes made her look like she was resting peacefully despite being held captive. Having interacted with only a dozen people in his life at best his frame of reference was entirely off, but to Silver she was the epitome of beautiful. He had no words to explain it, only that everything about this girl made his heart flutter and set his cheeks ablaze. He had never seen anyone whose fur was such a bright, vibrant colour, or who wore such beautiful clothes. If he imagined hard enough, he thought he could see the gentle rise and fall of his chest as she slept inside the card. He could only wonder what she be like when he saved her from her current fate, and he could meet her in the flesh.

Realising that he had been ogling the card for much longer than he had anticipated, Silver scolded himself harshly. There was a living person inside of there who needed his help! Closing his eyes and focusing all his energy on the object in his hand, Silver willed her to be free, so he could talk to her, get to know her, and then...

"Oh, Sonic! I just knew you'd save me!"

Silver yelped as something rushed at him, nearly knocking him off his feet as two arms were wrapped around him in a death grip. "H-hey!" Silver could only yell out, floundering as he tried to scramble away without losing his balance. Looking down he saw a bright pink bundle of quills, which unexpectedly moved out of his view as two jade eyes replaced it. For a second the two could only stare at each other, Silver entirely slack-jawed and the girl still fiercely holding him in her embrace, before the latter jumped away with a squeal. "Wait, you're not Sonic!"

Frozen in place, Silver nearly toppled over anyway as the girl pulled away from him, and he had to swing his arms around wildly to stay on his feet. Regaining his balance the tiniest bit, he stared as the girl buried her head in her hands between her apologies. "I'm so sorry, I thought you were someone else!"

"T-that's... I..." Silver was simply at a loss for words, having no idea what just happened in the past few moments. This certainly hadn't been the perfect first meeting with the beautiful girl as he had imagined it in his mind. And how in the world had she mistaken him for that cheeky blue idiot?

The girl cleared her throat loudly, seemingly having stopped with her chastising for the moment. "I'm Amy Rose, but call me Amy. It's nice to meet you! May I ask what your name is?" She peeked at him adorably and Silver swore his heart stopped beating for a second as he struggled to answer. He kept quiet for a few seconds as he fought to come up with the words, the girl's increasing amusement at his obvious panic not helping in the slightest. Eventually he managed to squeak out a "Silver", before hanging his head and sighing loudly. What a terrible first impression he had made!

Amy laughed at his theatrics, and it was the most gorgeous sound Silver had heard in his life. "That's a beautiful name," she informed him, grabbing his hand and firmly shaking it upside down. Having no idea what was happening Silver just let her. His body had been set ablaze the moment she touched him anyway, and he didn't trust himself to respond in any way that was acceptable.

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