Day 3 - Problem Solving

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The door closed behind them with a loud bang, the metallic noise echoing throughout the entire base. Whirling around the moment he sensed the movement behind him, Silver was too late in rushing himself and Amy through the now-closed exit. He cursed loudly as he slammed his powers in the door and tried to rip it open, to no avail. The heavy metal plates that covered the entrance refused to budge no matter how much force he exerted on them. Clearly Eggman had planned ahead, and they were trapped here.

Grasping his shoulder to calm him down, Amy looked behind them into the eerie hallway that stretched out, too dark to see where it led to. "Eggman must have been waiting for us. I propose we go further into the base and see if we can find anything," she stated calmly, not a hint of fear in her voice. Silver didn't share her cool exterior in the slightest. If Eggman knew they had been coming, he would have laid out an elaborate circus of death traps for sure. It wasn't safe here. Regardless, he nodded tensely as Amy grabbed his hand and they walked deeper into the base, Silver on high alert and Amy keeping her hammer at the ready as well.

It was supposed to be a simple mission: Tails had detected the signals of a Chaos Emerald in an abandoned base of Eggman's, and Silver and Amy had volunteered to go there and retrieve it. In hindsight, it was obvious that it had been a trap from the get-go; Eggman would never let one of the priceless jewels out of his sight if he had them in his grasp, and certainly not in an abandoned base with no protection. There probably wasn't even a Chaos Emerald here in the first place, the dictator had undoubtedly simply replicated the signal to lure Sonic and his friends here. Gritting his teeth, Silver forced back his anger at his stupidity. First he had to get himself and Amy out of here safely, then he could scold himself to his heart's content.

"Watch my back for any assailants," Amy mumbled at him from the corner of her mouth as she fiddled with her communicator. Straining his ears to better take in his surroundings, Silver could hear the static the wretched thing produced. Amy cursed as well as the contact with HQ could not be established, no matter what she tried. "Eggman must be blocking the signals... it's just you and me now," she sighed, the statement putting Silver on edge even more. Their friends knew they were here, but if anything happened to them and back-up was unable to reach them in time... Squeezing Amy's hand tighter, Silver swore to himself that at least she would get out of this alive, no matter the cost.

The hallway went on for so long that they couldn't make out its end, their footsteps echoing against its metal walls. So far there had been not a single attack by any robot, which unnerved Silver more than a hundred battles would have done. Eggman was plotting something, and they were very much in danger. He couldn't find a single weak spot that he could have used to break them out of here, and as such he was forced to go along with Amy. Luckily her hand in his and her casual behaviour helped calm his nerves massively, despite the circumstances.

"Is it just me or is this tunnel getting lighter?" Amy asked as she gestured at its end. Silver nodded, he had seen it too. The darkness was just a little less pressing now, becoming more grey as they advanced. Eventually they found themselves for a large metal door, similar to the one that had locked them in. Silver felt a jolt go through him. Had they simply been walking around in circles?! He could barely suppress jumping out of his skin as the door slid open with a startingly loud screech, scraping over the floor.

Silver and Amy immediately pressed themselves against the wall perpendicular to the door, Silver with his hand protectively in front of the pink hedgehog. Nothing happened for a few seconds, no robots came running out of the room nor did they hear Eggman's booming laugh. They loosened their posture the slightest bit with the lack of action. Still, the fact that also here nothing happened was too suspicious. Gesturing for him to stay put, Amy materialised one of her hammers and flung it through the door into the room. The reaction was immediate, a giant explosion resounded as a ball of fire and shrapnel flew out of the entrance. Wrapping himself and Amy in his powers Silver protected them from the worst of it, and they both stood unmoving as they watched the dust settle.

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