Day 4 - Adventure

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"Hold on, Amy!"

Silver could barely keep up with the pink hedgehog as she twirled over the meadow they were in, giggling all the way as Silver rushed to keep up with her. The area was positively beautiful, filled with flowers and the occasional tree or pond, and mountains stood proudly against the horizon in the distance. They had long left the city behind, Amy stating she had a surprise for him before running off, and he had followed her into this beautiful landscape. He loved surprises, though he had no idea Amy was plotting. She knew how much he liked the nature of the past, so maybe showing him this area was her surprise?

Slowly the fields of the meadow became littered with more trees and bushes, until eventually they were in a full-fledged forest. Twisting his head around to take in all the sights Silver nearly ran into Amy, who had abruptly stopped with her mad dash. Holding out her hand and gesturing for him to stay behind her, she put a finger to her lips and tiptoed quietly forward, weaving through the trees. Rolling his eyes at her secrecy Silver dutifully followed, peeking pas her shoulder to see what all the mystery was about.


Past Amy he saw a huge lake, surrounded by more grass and flowers and enclosed by a dense wall of trees at the edge. On one side the area was fenced in by a tall cliffside, with a waterfall tumbling down from its top into the body of water. The rush of the falling water gave the place a gentle ambience in the background. And in the middle of the clearing he saw dozens of... Chao! They were playing with each other, some flying through the air while others were taking a soak in the lake or playing with the cascading water. The entire scene made Silver smile widely from how cute it was.

Some of the Chao had heard his exclamation and now came waddling over to them, cooing and brabbling loudly as they waved their little arms. With a huge grin on his face Silver crouched down and opened his arms, laughing as they jumped into his lap and against his chest. Amy was not protected against the adorable onslaught either, giggling madly as some nuzzled in her knees and stomach and one that was shaped quite similar to Sonic tried to chew on her ears.

Lifting himself and his charges up easily enough, the Chao laughing as they twirled around in his powers, he turned to Amy. "I had no idea there was a Chao garden near Station Square!" he exclaimed, reaching out to save Amy from the barrage she was currently suffering under. Being freed quickly enough from the tickly little creatures Amy smoothed out her quills, still giggling. "We're quite close to the Mystic Ruins here," she explained, "so everyone who has a Chao usually lets them play in this garden."

"I take it this one is Sonic's, then?" Silver inquired as he reached out to the royal blue Chao with the spiky hairdo and gave it a small poke. The Chao cooed in concurrence, puffing itself up and waving its little arms around proudly.

Amy reached out to ruffle its quills. "Yes, this is Dash. Oh, and that one is Tails' Chao, Athena." She gestured towards an orange-furred Chao that indeed looked like a miniature copy of the genius inventor, that has shuffled up to them as well and was now begging for attention. Silver obliged immediately, gently scratching it behind a soft ear. While not an expert on Chao, he knew that Chao that were truly loved and cared for by a single person would change their appearance to represent their cherished caretaker. Sonic and Tails must have put a lot of time and effort in their respective Chao.

Gently lifting up the Chao and "throwing" them in the air, though making sure they were still safely wrapped in his telekinesis, Silver almost missed the scrutinizing look Amy sent across the garden. He could sense from her sudden change in mood and how she walked further into the field, looking around questioningly, that something was off though. Placing the Chao down on the ground, which provoked a choir of protests that he ignored for the time being, he quickly followed her. "What's wrong?"

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