Chap 7, Soulmates Are a Thing?

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Lance watched as the coyote jumped onto the bed. He winced at first, expecting the movement to jostle Keith's wounds. However, Keith just opened his arms and the coyote cuddled up next to him. Lance hadn't realized it, but he had been humming while he cleaned, and it seemed to ease Keith to sleep. Seeing Keith calm because of something he did made Lance feel pretty good. Anything he could do to help the omega would make his inner beta happy. Not to mention Keith was hot.

Wait, what?

Lance blinked, accidentally stepping on a lego in his haste to leave the room. Cursing softly so as not to wake Keith, he made a beeline for the kitchen, where Hunk would undoubtedly be cooking.

Sure enough, his trusty best friend was at it in the kitchen, using glowing embers in the oven to bake some protein bread that would hopefully last them a week. It had some vanilla protein powder in it that Shay had found a few weeks back. It may have sounded gross, but Hunk made it taste amazing. Besides, they could all use as much protein as possible, especially Keith. Keith...

"Hunk, my buddy, my alpha friend," Lance said nervously as he flopped down on a bar stool.

"What?" Hunk asked with an eyebrow raised, turning to blow into the red embers. "What did you do now?"

"Why do you always assume that I did something?" Lance whined as he swung back and forth on the rotating seat.

"You have that sound to your voice," Hunk said with a shrug as he poured the last of their flour into a bowl. Hmm, they'd have to go find more soon. "You always start off that way when you did something wrong."

"Well, I wouldn't say I did something," Lance trailed off, rotating in the seat more jerkily.

"Okay, then what happened?" Hunk added the wet ingredients to the dry before using a whisk to mix it all together. All the while, his kind brown eyes were gazing at Lance, giving him his undivided attention.

"It's just..." Lance trailed off, pondering. What were these weird feelings he was having? His heart did jumps in his chest whenever he was near Keith, and his stomach made a tugging sensation, as if trying to draw him closer. Plus, he felt overly protective of the omega, almost as if...

Realization suddenly dawned on Lance, causing his stomach to twist.

"Lance?" Hunk's concerned voice snapped Lance out of this thoughts. "Are you okay? You smell stressed."

"I just realized," Lance breathed out shakily, running a hand through his hair before looking up at his best friend with wide eyes. "I think—I mean I've only read about it in history books—but I think Keith may be my—"

"Soulmate," Shiro finished as he entered the room, causing Lance to jump.

"I swear Shiro," Lance began as he turned to face the alpha, "I had no idea when we picked him up...I just thought I was being protective because he was in heat...I never thought for a minute—"

"It's okay Lance," Shiro chuckled, holding up his hands in a placating matter. "I could tell the moment you brought Keith in. Plus, Hunk mentioned your 'rivalry' from the Garrison. It actually wasn't you trying to be better than Keith, you were just trying to impress him, show him that you were worth his time."

"Huh," Lance collapsed back in the chair, scratching at his medium brown hair. "That actually makes sense."

"I've known for a while too," Hunk said from behind Lance. Lance turned to see him grinning. "It was pretty obvious."

"To everyone but me!" Lance exclaimed.

"You were probably in denial," Hunk chuckled as he placed the bread mixture into the oven. "It sounds like you to be."

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