Dream gets his memories back

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"Before we start, how long was dream dead for" Tommy asked. Lucid and Nightmare looked at each other and sighed. "Maybe 3 or 2 months" Lucid said sadly while hugging Dream. Tommy had tears in his eyes, "maybe if we found him, he would have gotten his memories back sooner." Tommy said. Lucid walked over to Tommy and hugged him (nani?) "Nothing was going to save Dream besides, he died very far away" Lucid said. Tommy hugged back. "Ok LETS GET DREAMIE HIS MEMORIES BACK" Tubbo said with excitement in his voice. "I suggest you guys turn around, the light is gonna be bright" Lucid said. Everyone did so. Lucid and Nightmare got their masks and Dream's and (insert something creative because I have have nothing).Lucid whispered something to dream and dream nodded. "Ok you guys can turn around" Lucid yelled. Dream was sitting on the floor with his hands on his eye. Dream looked up. "Hey do you remember us, better now" Tommy asked. "Who are you guys" Dream said with a straight face. "Lucid it made it worse." Tommy said with tears in his eyes. Everyone was mad at them, they were gonna kill them until they heard Lucid, Nightmare and Dream laugh. "Oh my god I cant believe they fell for that" Dream said while smiling. Everyone looked shock. Dream got to his feet. "Yeah I remember you guys." Dream said while still smiling. Lucid and Nightmare also got to their feet. Nightmare and Lucid hugged Dream. "Ugh you guys are so fucking clingy" Dream said while trying to get away from the hug. Once he did, he only got pulled into another bigger one. "Dream we missed you" Tommy said while crying. "Omg all those months with Tubbo must have made you clingy" Dream joked. They gave Dream space. Lucid put his head on Dream's and placed his arms on dreams waist, while Dream tried to escape it, Fundy spoke up, "Hey Dream, Lucid and Nightmare started talking but stopped and said you should explain instead, what was it?". Nightmare and Lucid turned back slowly. "Which on said that" Dream asked calmly. "It was Lucid." Techno yelled. "You snitch" Lucid cried. Dream looked at Lucid and grabbed his face, "This is why you keep your fucking mouth shut." Dream yelled. Dream let go and started to hit Lucid on the head. "You dumb bitch, I wasn't gonna tell em yet" Dream yelled. Nightmare hold Dream back.  "Might as well tell you since SOME DUMBASS HAD TO RUN HIS FUCKING MOUTH" Dream yelled. "Nightmare let go" Ghostbur said. Ghostbur hugged Dream from behind. Dream just looked at him. "Was this shit happening when I didn't remember anything?" Dream asked. Everyone nodded. Dream at this point didn't care. "What the fuck why wont you let us hug you" Lucid yelled. "Because he likes me better."Ghostbur said while sticking out his tongue. "Anyways um I should probably tell you that" Dream said before stopping himself. "That um, Shlatt is my dad" Dream said everyone was shocked, Ghostbur didn't care and still hugged Dream. "What" Tubbo said acting all suprised. "Omg I didn't know at all" Tubbo said acting shocked. Tommy glared and Tubbo. "Ok fine I did know" Tubbo said. "How did you know." Ranboo asked. "Well" Tubbo started. "Yall are idiots, dont you notice his fucking horns" Dream yelled. Everyone was standing there like idiots. "Dream why did you kill yourself" George asked with tears in his eyes. "Oh wow I didn't know you care about me, what about you Lucid and Nightmare did you know" Dream said while facing Lucid and Nightmare. "Yeah we thought he didnt" Lucid said. "Oh wow" Dream said. "Dream we do care" Sapnap yelled. "Oh fuck, dont take this the wrong way Sapnap, but I totally forgot that you were here." Dream said. "Wow harsh" Nightmare said. "Anyways um, I killed myself because, why did i kill myself, oh right because two people said this world would have been better without me" Dream said. Head turned to Sapnap and George. "Anyways back to our agreement Dreamie, time to kill em" Nightmare said quickly while him and Lucid pulled out their weapons. "Hey I never said you can kill them" Dream said. "Cmon Dreamie, even you have to admit they were shitty people to you." Lucid said. Dream just looked away. "Even if they drove me to cutting myself and taking pills and su- ok now that I think about maybe they weren't the best friend" Dream said. "See" Lucid said. " Anyways wanna tell them or should I dreamie poo" Nightmare said everyone looked confused. "Oh yeah" Dream said. "What dream" Ranboo asked. "Weell before... Shlatt died, he gave me a book to bring everyone who died back to life , those who wanted to come back to life" Dream said. Everyone started to cry agian. Dream backed away slowly and placed an ender chest and pulled out a book. "Catch" Dream said throwing the book. Tommy caught it. "Do you think it could work"  Tommy asked Dream. "We will never know until we try." He said smiling. "Ok let's try this" Tommy said. Nightmare and Lucid hugged Dream. "Hey" Ghostbur said. "Let's bring them back to life" Tommy said with a smile.

To be continued
Next chapter tomorrow maybe

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