Slight Change

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Jezzabelles Pov

Waking up from all the headache and irritation I had from last night, something in my body noticed the slight change in what today had to bring.

Heading into my bathroom, I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth, before slipping on my regular baggy sweatpants and flannel I usually wore on the weekends like today.

As soon I got downstairs, my eyes widened seeing Aidan and Owen sitting in the living room along with my parents.


Owen says using the nickname him and the rest of my step brothers came up with when we were kids, while getting up quickly to pull me into a tight hug as Aidan looked at me with a hint of a sadness in his brown eyes.

"What's going on?"

I ask confused more than ever at the reason why our parents were in our house for the first time after the past few months they've been gone.

"Jezzabelle come sit" My father says patting the space next to him on the couch as I hesitated before sitting next to him.

"You know how much we love you right honey?"

He says rubbing my back softly as I tried to understand what the heck was going on with all their sad expressions on their faces.

"What? Did someone die or something?"

I ask with a nervous chuckle before my father let out a sigh and turned his whole body towards me.

"There's been a slight change in our family and I want you to be open minded here"

His words confused me like a thousand times more but I waited for him to continue what he was trying to explain.

"I know you were very close to Luca an-"

"Wait! Did Luca get hurt or something?!"

I shout in shock while getting up quickly from the couch as my parents pulled me back down shaking their heads.

"Let your father finish Belle"

My mom says soothing my back as I tried to calm my heart from beating fast with worry.

"Your mother and I know you and Luca were very close since you two first met after we brought him home, and up until now there's something we need to tell you that's happened with him, but we don't want you to overthink or jump to conclusions with this"

He explains while making sure to check if I was showing any type of different emotions.

"I'm pretty sure you already knew for years that Luca was a trouble maker with the law and me and your mother have always been trying to help him change his ways but with no result and especially after we picked him up from the police station again last night, we have decided that in order for him to change we should let him live with your uncle for a few more years before he could come back and live here with us"

Looking back at me with a nervous expression, both my parents and my step brothers looked like they were waiting for me to explode or even cry but I shrugged.

"What's the big deal about that? We've all visited Uncle Tom a lot of times before, he-" Before I finished Aidan cut me off.

"It's not Uncle Tom he's going to be staying with, it's uncle Barry" He answers back quickly crossing his arms with an angry look.

"Uncle Barry?! As in the drunk asshole that abused auntie Sarah until she took off with her kids out of that hellhole he calls a barn?!" I shout feeling angry at the thought of Luca being near that large mountain man wife beater.

"Watch your language young lady! And you out of all people should already know my brother has finished his years in rehab to take care of his anger issues and alcohol problems. If any of your family members can take care of a troubled 18 year old that doesn't wanna listen to the people who's been giving him nothing but love and support, it's your Uncle Barry" My mother says as I glared at her along with my other step brothers.

"Why are you doing this now!? Out of nowhere?! You guys never cared before if any of us got into trouble, and now all of a sudden you wanna be parents for once and throw your son to some abusive asshole!"

I shout feeling anger and rage inside me at the fact that they did all this in the middle of the night without even asking for mine and my step brothers opinion.

"Don't talk to your mother like that young lady! Your brother has had this coming ever since he got himself in trouble the first time we brought him here. He has done nothing but put shame on our family name for years and we had to choose between letting the court keep in that jail cell last now or take him to his uncle to learn respect and responsibility like the grown man he already is"

I looked up at my angry father staring down at me before noticing the tears falling from my eyes.

"I hate you"

His upset expression fell as soon as those words left my mouth, but I didn't let him get a word in before I ran back upstairs to my room not wanting to cry in front of him.

Quickly grabbing my phone from the nightstand I immediately started dialing Luca's number so I can make sure everything my parents just told me was real.

"He's not gonna answer bunny"

I ignored Aidans voice as I heard him and Owen walk into my room while closing my door on the way.

"Bunny stop please" Owen says grabbing my phone before I slapped his arm in frustration.

"Give me my my phone!"


"Owen I swear to god! Give me the fucking phone!"

I continued hitting Owens large rock hard body before Aidan showed me the black iPhone he was holding making my arms drop and turning my small tears into full on rivers flowing from my eyes.

"Dad had one of his men drop him off at the barn with nothing but the clothes he had on"

I sobbed into Owens large chest as Aidan sat on the other side of me on my bed rubbing my back.

"It's gonna be okay bunny" Owen says into my hair as I hugged him tightly.

"I didn't even get to say goodbye"

"He knows how much you love him bunny"

Aidan answers back while continuing to soothe my back.

"Would it cheer you up if me and Aidan decide to spend the whole day with you today watching those disgusting romance movies your always watching and stuffing our faces with junk food?"

I pulled away from Owen with a raised brow as he wiggles his eyebrows at me making me smile.

"Even if we watch the Titanic?"

He exchanged nervous looks with Aidan before hesitatingly nodding in unison.

"You guys are the best brothers in the world!"

I shout happily pulling them both into a tight group hug as they laughed before squeezing me in their large arms.


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