Master & His Bunny

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Jezzabelle's POV

"No" I say for the one thousandth time in less than 24 hours.

"You gotta have something on these people?! You work for them for gods sake!"

Luca shouts as I continued eating the small pail of chocolate ice cream in my hands while laying next to Darius on the bed he's been put to rest on in the raggedy shack Luca and our uncle decided to name their club house.

"Just because I work for those people, doesn't mean I stalk them for a living. Just let it go, if you wanna fuck rich old people might as well go asks the owner of the club yourself!" I snap back before going back to watching Key and Peele videos on YouTube with Darius.

"Goddamn it!" Luca curses while throwing the small wooden chair he was currently sitting on towards the wall enabling it to crack into pieces.

"Wow, someone's got something up their ass"

"Shut the fuck up flannel! I don't know what the fuck type of relationship shit you two got going on, but it needs to end now. Jezzabelle get up, I already told you you'll be staying in my room now"

"No thanks, me and flannel are comfortable with sleeping together in this room"

Me and Darius continued to snicker at Luca's anger tantrum he's been having every 5 seconds since the minute he stepped into the room Darius was staying in the club to heal his left leg.

"Goddamn it Jezzabelle! What the fuck happened to you?! I leave for 5 years and all of a sudden you've become a full time stripper with a side job of fucking rich old men. And now you don't listen to me like you used to! Why?! Is it because of the little wuss with the flannel right next to you? I'll kick his ass-"

Before Luca could reach Darius, I grabbed him forcefully away from the bed before slamming him up against the closed bedroom door with my pocket knife against his neck.

"I told you before, hurt him again and I won't hesitate to kill you"

"You'd really kill your own brother over a little wimp with a flannel?"

"The little wimp with the flannel helped me through the worst years of my life these past 5 years. You were one of the main reasons my life sucked for the 15 years before that"

I pulled away from Luca when I felt a tug at my shirt from behind. I turned around seeing Darius gesture me to sit with him to calm me down. Of course, he was the only person that could calm me down when I was angry anyways.

"I just want to know why your acting this way all of a sudden? Tell me what happened to you these past 5 years!"

"You're a little to late for that big bro"

I rolled my eyes at Luca's sad expression before watching him walk out of the room after slamming the door.

"He's getting suspicious, why don't you tell him-" before Darius could finish what I knew he's been dying to say since we found out about Luca being in California, I cut him off.

"You really think out of all the people we know, we could trust my brother? Seriously? He's literally the worst person I could trust with our situation. I'm not gonna have him ruin everything because of one of his little anger tantrums. We just need to keep him off our case, than everything will fall into place after a few more years. That's all I need in order for the shadow that's been casting over me every day of my life for the past 5 years"

"Well what's wrong with your other two brothers?"

"Owens a professional football player now with a wife that's pregnant with his 3rd child on the way. And Aidan just became a Cardiologist at our hometowns hospital, thanks to my dads connections, where he lives near along with his newlywed Gynecologist wife that he met in college. Does it look like I want to dump all my problems onto them right at this moment? I'm tired of having people tell me what to do, especially my brothers, so if I'm gonna be getting out of a mess that I created, I'd rather clean it up myself than ask for handouts from people that basically used to run my life for the past 15 years growing up"

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