Masked Man

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Luca's POV

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" Uncle Barry asks as Jezzabelle ignored his question for the hundredth time.

"I get that you're angry at me but-"

"Darius, can you tell the old man in front of me that I have nothing to say to him and if he wants me to apologize about kicking those three trifling bitches asses earlier than he might as well wait for dicks to fly"

"The saying is pigs to fly"

"Darius tell that man in front of me not to correct me or I'll make sure that his dick ends up flying straight into the pot in the kitchen for him to eat"

"Jezzabelle, goddamn it! Why did you cause chaos inside my club today?! Our doctor in the club said they have to stay in the infirmary room for the next 3 weeks. Do you have no care-"

"Care? Ha!"

I watched in amusement as she laughs at my uncles words before continuing her conversation by talking to her male best friend that was sitting beside her.

"Darius tell the ugly old grouch in front of me to not mention something as stupid as caring when he's the one trying to force me to work for him through using you as a hostage. I don't associate myself with crazy kidnappers"

"Jezzabelle Thompson, I swear to you if you don't-"

"I'm tired and I have work in a few hours. I'll see you guys late"

I snickered at how red my uncles face was after seeing her walk out with no care in the world. If he was a cartoon character, he would've had steam blowing out of his ears with how angry he was right now.

It wasn't supposed to be funny but it was to me. Seeing someone for once in the club that can talk back to him and get him as angry as Jezzabelle did. It was like a great sight that was very rare. Not only did she shun him but she also made him angry to the point that he looked like he was gonna have a heart attack. She was the first person that had ever talked back to him and not end up dead.

"Luca get that bratty little sister of yours back in here or I swear to god I'll-" before Uncle Barry could finish his angry rant, the door of his office slammed open.

"Barry Jeffrey Anderson! You swear to god you'll do what to my daughter?!" At the familiar loud voice in front of us now I realized my adoptive parents were standing at the door of Uncle Barry's office.

"Sis. What are you doing here?!" Barry asks quickly getting up in shock.

"Maybe if you picked up your damn phone, you would've known that I was flying out here to see all 4 of my children. I heard from a certain someone that all of my kids were out here so I thought of coming out to see what all the commotion was. And now I come and find all 4 of them being under the same roof as my older brother that hasn't told me anything about this. Tell me brother, when were you gonna tell me about my kids that I've been constantly asking you about on the phone? Cuz by the looks of it, it seems as if you wanna keep the information about all of them being here with you to yourself"

For the first time, the whole club went silent. There was no more loud music blasting from the bar outside Uncle Barry's office and all the men and women in the club were to stunned to speak after witnessing a woman they've never seen before barge into the club and make their president to nervous to talk with their presence.

"Hello! Are you deaf?! Why the hell did you keep my kids location away from their own mother and your own sister?!" Mom snaps before dad calmed her down by pulling her back from trying to walk up to her brother.

"Kid, I think it's best if we keep this a family matter. Why don't you head out for a bit" Dad says as Darius nods before using his crutches to limp out of the office.

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