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     Haruhi and I had agreed to meet up in front of the library and walk to the club room together. "Ready, (y/n)?" She asked.

     "I think so. Should we drop our stuff off at our lockers beforehand? We have time if you want to. It's on the way," I said. She agreed, and we walked toward them. I stopped at mine and she went to hers. I was carrying three textbooks, and they were very heavy. More or less, I was relieved. I took a second look at the notes on my locker.

     There were a few sticky notes on the inside, including a photo of my friend, Kento. I picked up the photo of us. He attends Ouran as well, but we haven't talked in a few months. Due to his parents being old, and him being the eldest of four, he needed to learn the ways of their company. That's what we both did over the summer, and we didn't see each other because of it.

     Haruhi must have noticed me reminiscing. "Are you sure you want to go? We could go another time-" I cut her off.

 "Are you sure you want to go? We could go another time-" I cut her off

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     "No no, I told them I would. I don't agree to something to only back out right away." I put the photo of us back on the locker and we continued walking to the club room. "So what's the hype about the club? I heard a bunch of girls talking about it at lunch today," I asked.

     "You'll see soon enough," She said, smiling, She wouldn't answer any of my questions. However, as soon as we reached the club room, she said she would answer one.

     "My question is... WHY IS IT IN A MUSIC ROOM?"

     "Now that, I have no explanation for," she said laughing.

     "Now that, I have no explanation for," she said laughing

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"Wait here. Someone will come to get you"

     I was so confused but agreed. She disappeared around the corner. I held back from looking but I could hear her signature knock and the door close.


     I waited for about 5 or 6 minutes until I heard a boy talking. He was having a conversation with a girl. They came from a classroom that was down the hallway and they were walking in my direction. Hopefully, these are the people Haruhi was talking about. It seemed the girl had noticed me and nudged the boy.

      "Hello (y/n)! Haruhi told us about you, don't be alarmed" She said with a calming smile. She was walking faster than the boy.

     (Yes I know it's not the same anime but bear((?)) with me here lol)

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     (Yes I know it's not the same anime but bear((?)) with me here lol)

"Aozaki, you should introduce us," the boy said. "Just so she doesn't think we're rude" he whispered the last part.

      "This is Seki Takuya, and I'm Okino Aozaki," she spoke with a smile, bowing. I did the same, and we shook hands. I repeated the same action with the boy. "You can call us by our first names, we don't mind. Haruhi just called you (y/n) and didn't say your full name, so I apologize." Aozaki looked nervous.

      "(y/n) is fine! You don't have anything to worry about," I told her, hoping she wouldn't be as nervous.

      "You two have somewhere to be, right? I'll see you later Aozaki! It was a pleasure to meet you, (y/n)!" Takuya said, walking away. We waved and walked down the hall towards the music room.

     "You two seem rather close, how do you know him?" I asked Aozaki.

      "I've known him since I was little, the second year of elementary school actually! He and I are best friends and have been since. We're actually engaged! Not by our choice, but by our parents. We weren't complaining a whole lot due to us being super close." She looked happy, then nervous again. "Sorry! I'm rambling!"

     "You're not! It's fun to hear about other people's stories once and a while!" It really was, especially since I hadn't had many friends last year. However, after today, I'm not sure that'll be the truth anymore.

      "In that case, I always have a fun story on hand, so just swing by me if you want to hear one!" Aozaki said, stopping in front of the door. She flipped through one of the notebooks she was carrying and wrote something on one of the pages. She tore it out and handed it to me.

      "Aozaki 080-1234-5678" I smiled and folded it into my blazer pocket.

      "Call, or text me whenever!" She smiled, and then stood by the door. "Ready to go in?"




Word Count: 736 

FUN FACT: Did you know Japanese students spend six years in elementary school?

Thank you for reading! <3

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