Red Faced

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So this tour has been ok so far although  I got sick with the flu and so we had to bring in Chris's ex Sabrina Howard  who is also trying to get in Chris's pants again  he keeps her at a distance and has her sleep on the couch and him in the bunk that u can actually lock  but she is only here till I feel better.

Time lapse: A week

Ricky's P.O.V.

So we are in Kansas today and I wanted to do something the fans have seen only pictures of Sara so I'm gonna introduce her to them on stage and at the meet and greet so I know she will be embarrassed so I know she will start blushing crimson as soon as I say for her to join me but its happening tonight I shake her awake and say "baby its time to get up and get ready" I turn to walk out of the bunk area and feel a pillow hit me she groans ""no I don't wanna get up" "u have to love" "fuck fine" she gets up going to the bathroom with a pair of leather skinnies and my Misfits hoodie. I hear the shower start and I lay on the bunk till its time my phone blasts my mom's favorite song I answer

"Hey baby boy what are u doing?"
"Hi mom I'm waiting on Sara to get out of the shower so I can get in"
"Haha why don't u just get in with her?"
"Mom she wasn't feeling so good the other day but I think she is ok now"
"So the problem is?"
"Mom no just no"
"Haha well I just wanted to let u know that ur father won't be able to met Sara he has to go out of town for a week"

Damn I really wanted my dad to meet my amazingly beautiful girl.

"Ok mom its fine he will meet her soon though"
"I know honey well I gotta go I love u so much baby boy tell Sara I said hello would u?"
"Sure and I love u to mom bye"

I hang up and lay back down thinking about somethings. God its been a year and 4 months between me and Sara and I have loved every second of it well except for Devin and Jess getting in the way but we have made it through. I hear the shower stop and after 3 minutes she comes out god even when she isn't trying she is gorgeous she is gorgeous all the time. I kiss her and claim the shower next.

Sara's P.O.V.

Well Ricky is in the shower might as well start helping with  putting out with the merch I feel way better  sweet thing is though I don't have to do merch today YAY :D apparently some guy named Michael is gonna do it. Ricky comes out dressed his eyes rimmed with eyeliner. We head to the stage and they go out one by one Vinny first oh by the way Rage left the band sad but true Vinny is cool as shit tho then Devin and Ryan then my baby and finally Chris the songs they are playing are  Reincarnate, Sinematic, Black Damask, America, Devil's Night, Wasp, Unstoppable, Infamous, and Hatefuck. After they finished Wasp Chris handed the mic to Ricky he says " well guys as u all know that I have been the happiest I've been in years and there is one person to thank for that Sara my amazingly beautiful girlfriend I would like to bring her out Sara come here" I shake my head no Balz comes over and scoops me up throwing me over his back I kick and scream he stands me beside Ricky I'm blushing bright crimson "Balz next time u do that I will show them the other reason ur called Balz" shit I said that into the mic the crowd is laughing I lean in and say "umm let it be known that the only reason I know this is because I accidentally walked in on him as he was gonna get in the shower so its his fault blame it all on Balz because he obviously don't know how to lock a door" Josh yells "Hey" "ur fault dumbass" "god I love u Sara u know that" "yes yes I do Ricky as I love u" the crows starts chanting "kiss her kiss her" Ricky leans in and kisses me smashing his body against mine my arms around his neck his around my waist the crowd goes nuts he lets me go back to the side of the stage they finish and do a meet and greet

3 votes and I'll post a preview of the sequel I haven't decided  the name yet

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